dotConnect for Salesforce V3.1.35 released

Released: Jun 9, 2016

Updates in V3.1.35


  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016 is supported in SSIS DataFlow components.
  • The Run Once Command connection string parameter, which specifies a command to execute when the connection is opened the first time and not executed when the connection is taken from the pool, is added.
  • The new LoadTable overloads for loading data from a IDataReader, array of rows, or only rows with a specific RowState from a DataTable are added to the SalesforceLoader class.

Entity Developer  

  • Entity Framework Core support is added.
  • The DbProviderFactory provider registration in application's *.config is supported by the Entity Developer version integrated into Visual Studio.

Entity Framework

  • Entity Framework Core RC2 is supported.
  • Entity Framework-related assemblies are renamed.
  • Upgrade Wizard is improved for upgrading projects with the Entity Framework functionality.