EdrawMax v12.0.7

Released: Feb 16, 2023

Updates in v12.0.7


  • Added support for freezing swimlanes - When swimlanes are long, use the Freeze Pane feature to lock the swimlane header row/column so that other sections are visible while scrolling.
  • Added support for adjusting the spacing of each milestone on the timeline axis - When the mouse hovers over the milestone dots on the timeline, the dots will become larger so that you can freely drag the dots to adjust the distance between each milestone.
  • Added support for displaying link address after expanding the hyperlink menu after inserting a hyperlink.
  • Added support for adding and opening a hyperlink in the slide show view.


  • Fixed the problem that the font of the inserted comment was inconsistent with the font set by the system.
  • Fixed the problem of fitting text in a text box when adjusting the text box.
  • Fixed the problem that the mini toolbar covered the shape when drawing.
  • Fixed the problem that the layout preview of the organization chart did not match the actual display.
  • Fixed the problem that the today red line of the Gantt chart displayed abnormally.