EdrawMax v13.0.3

Released: Feb 1, 2024

Updates in v13.0.3


  • Added support for setting the size of multiple shapes at once. For example, you can select an entire flowchart, go to the Size button, input the width and height values, and all the shape sizes in the flowchart will be modified.
  • When you apply 'No Fill' to a shape, the hollow part will now become non-selectable and non-draggable. This will make it easier for you to select the shapes underneath.
  • Added 'Autofit' mode for text boxes. You can enable this mode from the drop-down menu under the Text tool.
  • Improved clarity of formulas inserted on canvas with the Formula tool. Also, you are now allowed to change formula size during the editing process.
  • Added the ability to show or hide the dimensions of individual objects in a floor plan.
  • Exporting images and PDFs now supports the option to display or remove gridlines.


  • Solved the issue that connecting line arrows cannot be reversed in specific scenarios.