Entity Developer V6.9.1092

Released: Oct 1, 2020

Updates in V6.9.1092


  • Added support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8 Preview.

Entity Framework support

  • Improved support for Entity Framework Core 3 spatial data types: In addition to Geometry and Geography, specific .NET NetTopologySuite types like GeographyPoint, GeographyLine are now available property types (MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite).
  • Updated default mapping for spatial data types in Server's Options (MySQL, SQLite).


  • Fixed bug reading settings from *.edps by console Entity Developer.

Entity Framework support

  • Fixed bug with missing Entity Framework Core 5 option in the Entity Framework Core version property of Model Settings, when a provider is not specified, in Entity Framework Core Model.
  • Fixed bug "EntityProperty does not contain a definition for IsSpatialType", when custom template from previous versions is used, in Entity Framework Core Model.
  • Fixed bug applying On Delete Action=Cascade set in Association Editor to the Generate Database Script functionality in Entity Framework Core Model.