SoftArtisans Xfile V2.3.4

Released: Aug 2, 2006

Updates in V2.3.4

New Features:

  • Resumable uploads can now be done asynchronously. Previously, the Start method had an asynchronous option, but the Resume method did not*
  • TopFolder property now creates directory structure for storing resume info if the directories do not exist*
  • XFResume.IsOpen method was added to determine if the object is already open to a location*

*Available only in XFile Enterprise Edition

Issue Resolved:

  • Errors downloading files with long URL using the visual download control
  • Because of 2 GB limit in ASP.NET's maxRequestLength setting, XFile's threshold was lowered from 4 GB to 2 GB for automatically switching uploads to chunked transfer encoding and the custom HTTP client. (equivalent of setting oXFRequest.TransferEncoding = 1 and oXFRequest.UseWininet = false)
  • Certain cases were causing an "Operation timed out" even though no timeout occurred
  • TransferStatusChanged event did not return TransferCancelled status when user aborted the transfer
  • TransferStatusChanged event did not return TransferTimedOut status after client-side timeout
  • When SaveLocationPromptType set to 2, hitting cancel in the save dialog caused browser crash
  • When SaveLocationPromptType set to 1, hitting cancel in the folder dialog caused browser hang
  • If user cancelled uploads and TransferStatusChanged events were being handled, browser would sometimes crash
  • Chunked-encoded uploads caused erroneous timeout error
  • Files uploaded or downloaded with the visual objects did not appear "checked" if the upload completed through a resume operation
  • Calling RemoveAll on the visual upload and download controls did not remove files from the underlying file collection of the XFRequest object
  • Setting client-side timeout value to 0 caused browser freezing
  • Error thrown when xfclient.dll not registered referred to incorrect dll name
  • Buffer overrun in SSL transfers caused browser crash
  • Issue with XFResume.Close prevented the XFResume object from being reopened*
  • XFile returned non-JobId folders when checking ResumeInfo collection*

*XFile Enterprise Edition only