SmartAssembly 8.0.0

Released: Dec 17, 2020

Updates in 8.0.0


  • Added basic support for Microsoft .NET 5 assemblies.
  • Added the ability to redirect SmartAssembly logs to MSBuild output when using SmartAssembly MSBuild Tasks.
  • SmartAssembly settings will now be automatically carried over from previous versions.


  • SA-2391: C# 9.0 records: Compiler-generated PrintMembers method may reveal original property names, and a compiler-generated ToString method may reveal the original record name.
  • SA-2382: Blazor: Obfuscation of the App class causes TypeLoadException on runtime.
  • SA-2393: Blazor: Adding error and feature reporting may break the application.
  • SA-2394: Blazor (WebAssembly): Enabling Control Flow Obfuscation may break the application.
  • SA-2396: Blazor (WebAssembly): Enabling References Dynamic Proxy may cause the application to hang.
  • SA-2397: Blazor (WebAssembly): Enabling Strings Encoding with compression and encryption may break the application.