combo spreadsheet - RAD Studio Architect

  1. RAD Studio Architect 10.4.1 Sydney

    Release Notes: they are floating layouts or are no longer supported, will be listed in gray in the Desktop Layout combo box in the title bar. Improved support for 4K monitors. If the IDE expects a project’s.dsk file but it does ...

  2. RAD Studio Architect 10.3.2

    Release Notes: Adds macOS 64-bit application support for Delphi and C++17 support for Windows 64-bit for C++Builder. Delphi macOS 64-bit New in 10.3.2 is macOS 64-bit application support for Delphi. Build App Store-ready macOS 64-bit applications, complete with macOS notarization support. Reach a large customer ...

  3. RAD Studio Architect 10.2 Tokyo Release 3 (10.2.3)

    Release Notes: C++ Rename Refactoring allows you to right-click an identifier and quickly rename it throughout your project. CMake Command-Line Support- CMake is a popular C++ build tool. RAD Studio 10.2.3 Tokyo provides support for building CMake projects on the command line using RAD Studio compilers. 10.2.3 ...

  4. Develop apps for iPhone and iPad

    Release Notes: Interface Controls- You get a full range of native styled user interface controls, including buttons, listboxes and combo boxes. Rapid Prototyping for iOS- Build your iPhone or iPad app and immediately send ...