database management - SQL Compare Pro

  1. SQL Compare 9.0 now supports SQL Azure databases

    Release Notes: Updates in 9.0 SQL Compare 9.0 now supports SQL Azure databases. Various bug fixes ...

  2. About SQL Compare Pro

    Description: Compare and synchronize SQL Server database schemas. SQL Compare is a tool for comparing and synchronizing SQL Server database structures. It is used by over 150,000 database administrators, ... developers and testers. SQL Compare automates the process of distributing database changes made on a local database to testing, staging or live databases on remote servers. SQL Compare Pro contains ... a command-line interface and you can compare and synchronize SQL Server database schemas and automate tasks. SQL Compare Pro- for simpler automation, versioning and source control integration: Compare and synch ...

  3. SQL Compare Pro 14.9.x

    Release Notes: v14.9.0.21563 Updated Aug 10, 2022 Fixes SQL Compare will now only rebuild a table when the filegroup differs just by casing if the "Use case-sensitive object definition" comparison option is on. ...

  4. SQL Compare Pro 14.8.x

    Release Notes: Now encrypts connections to SQL Server by default. v14.8.5.21499 Updated Jul 26, 2022 Features Added support for T-SQL undocumented virtual column '%%physloc%%'. Fixes Fixed deployment script object existence checks, when source and target have column names that differ only in case. v14.8 ...

  5. SQL Compare Pro 14.7.x

    Release Notes: Adds SQL Prompt formatted diff view using current formatting options. v14.7.8.21163 Updated Jun 8, 2022 Features Internal library updates. v14.7.7.21053 Updated May 24, 2022 Features Added the option to use 'CREATE OR ALTER' statements when deploying to servers that support this feature. ...

  6. SQL Compare Pro 14.6.x

    Release Notes: error in SQL Snapper when attempting to create a database snapshot. v14.6.9.20059 Updated Nov 1, 2021 Fixes Fixed support for SQL Server 2019 differential backups. v14.6.8.20031 Updated Oct 26, 2021 Fixes ... consistently when reading database schema. v14.6.6.19949 Updated Oct 5, 2021 Fixes Fixed parsing error involving schema-qualified DATA values in the PREDICT operator. Fixed issue with modal windows not appearing ...

  7. SQL Compare Pro 14.5.x

    Release Notes: incorrect warning about in-memory tables in Azure SQL Databases. v14.5.7.19065 Updated May 11, 2021 Features Internal library updated. v14.5.6.18966 Updated May 5, 2021 Features Internal library updated. ... external file format and external table). Fixes The create database dialog no longer fails when using SQL Server on Linux. ...

  8. SQL Compare Pro 14.4.x

    Release Notes: on the command line no longer writes out migration blocks metadata for non-migration blocks databases. v14.4.22.18256 Updated Feb 15, 2021 Fixes SC-10959: SQL Compare now properly handles temporal tables ...

  9. SQL Compare Pro 14.3.x

    Release Notes: not unticked.) after a refresh. SC-10890: Azure AD users are now registered on an Azure SQL database. SC-10891: When generating a script for a partition scheme change, an exception is no longer thrown. ...

  10. SQL Compare Pro 14.2.x

    Release Notes: on it. SC-10798: Fixed support for newer SQL Server features (introduced in SQL Server 2016 or later) on Azure Managed Instances. Updated Mar 5, 2020 Fixes Fix performance issue with large ... a column, clustered columnstore indexes on the table are no longer dropped. Updated Feb 11, 2020 Fixes SC-10773: Scripts folders containing Microsoft Database projects are now correctly ... in the database, SQL Compare now ignores the dependency and outputs an error to the logfile. SC-10763: Scripts folders without a valid metadata file will now default to SQL Server 2019 instead of SQL Azure DB. ...

  11. SQL Compare Pro 14.1.x

    Release Notes: in scripts folders now retain their WHERE clauses if the database collation is case insensitive. If you have broken entries in your sys.database_permissions table we now ignore them rather than throwing a null ... to AddOnlineOn to reflect this change. Updated Dec 16, 2019 Features SQL Compare now shows a warning when trying to deploy a route with a non-local address to an Azure Managed Instance. Azure Managed ... with lifetimes), dropping the object will leave the file behind. SQL Compare will now install the Microsoft Active Directory Authentication Library if it is required. Azure Managed Instances are now treated ...

  12. SQL Compare Pro 14.0.x

    Release Notes: may show a syntax-only difference between live and scripts databases if they couldn't be parsed; this can be fixed by deploying the live version to the scripts folder. SC-10666: ... The IsSQLCloneDatabase extended property no longer appears in comparisons, so that it can't be accidentally deployed to non-clone databases. SC-10682: Sorting the grid by Last Modified date now works correctly. ... default value, or bound rule. Updated Oct 7, 2019 Fixes SC-10056: Server combobox in the live database connection form now correctly updates when clicking the swap sides button. SC-10650: When ...

  13. SQL Compare Pro 13.7.21

    Release Notes: Compare will now not drop foreign keys on unselected tables when Include Dependencies is off, even when this will cause the database to be left in an inconsistent state / the deployment script ...

  14. SQL Compare Pro 13.8.0

    Release Notes: SC-10625- CONCAT_WS is now recognised as a system function on SQL Server 2017 and above. SC-10644- The 'drop and create instead of alter' option has been renamed 'use drop and create for rerunnable scripts' and had the 'drop and create instead of create' functionality ...

  15. SQL Compare Pro 13.7.22

    Release Notes: SC-10604: Option text for Ignore Indexes updated to reflect operation of this option with a script folder target. ...

  16. SQL Compare Pro 13.7.20

    Release Notes: Prevented a hard crash (stack overflow) when parsing very complex constraints, defaults and computed columns. A log error will be recorded if this happens. Fixed a crash when SQL contains hundreds of nested parentheses. ...

  17. SQL Compare Pro 13.7.18

    Release Notes: Updates in 13.7.18 Fixed: ANSI current_timestamp syntax now reads correctly from scripts folder. Fixed: Warning added for downgrade of AUTO_GRID tesslation schemes in spatial indexes. Fixed: Compare now correctly parses the case where you have both an XML NAMESPACES and a CTE in a cursor ...

  18. SQL Compare Pro 13.7.17

    Release Notes: Updates in 13.7.17 SC-10528: Improved performance calculating work when many default constraints are present. SC-10562: Improved error message when your scripts folder contains a field with an invalid data type. Impersonate permissions on roles and schemas now deploy correctly. Old (pre-v13) ...

  19. SQL Compare Pro 13.7.16

    Release Notes: Updates in 13.7.16 Fixed a bug where necessary whitespace would sometimes not be included in the migration script when renaming a table which is referenced in a procedure. Synonym dependencies behaviour has changed. SC-10524: SSMS 18 now correctly listed in application options. Text object ...

  20. SQL Compare Pro 13.7.12

    Release Notes: Updates in 13.7.12 Fixed- Local objects that share the same name as a dependent object in another database are no longer seen as a dependency. Fixed- SC-10496: Object existence checks no longer ...