demonstration - Actipro WPF Essentials

  1. Actipro WPF Essentials 24.1.1

    Release Notes: a context menu, and a new sample to demonstrate the control. Ribbon group has been split out into two and three-row layout functionality into a separate new RibbonMultiRowControlGroup control to allow ...

  2. Actipro WPF Essentials 23.1.3

    Release Notes: Improves Editors, Themes and ScrollViewer. Editors Added a new Custom Edit Box QuickStart sample demonstrating how to build an edit box for a custom type. Updated each edit box template to bind ...

  3. Actipro WPF Essentials 22.1.2

    Release Notes: attached WindowChrome.IsTitleBarBackdropAllowed property, which determines if a backdrop can render in the title bar area of a window. Added a new WindowChrome Backdrop QuickStart sample to demonstrate ...

  4. Actipro WPF Essentials 2020.1

    Release Notes: the control is disabled. DynamicImage supports conversion of monochrome images to use the current foreground color. Added a DynamicImage QuickStart sample to demonstrate many usage scenarios. Added optional ...