file transfer upload - FusionWidgets XT

  1. FusionWidgets XT v3.15.x

    Release Notes: attributes were added to nodes, ribbons and labels for Chord diagrams. When exporting spark charts as a CSV file or CSV data using getCSVData() or getChartData('csv') methods, the exported csv now ... Scatter charts. When the Candlestick, Treemap, Gantt, and Select Scatter charts are exported in CSV or XLSX format, the exported files now display the chart data correctly. When a Bubble chart is exported ... in XLSX format, the exported file now includes a column with the plot labels, to help you comprehend the data better. Earlier, this column was not included in the XLSX file. Multi-level Pie Charts exported ...

  2. FusionWidgets XT v3.14.0

    Release Notes: core map files have been updated. On IE and EDGE browsers, using an Ajax call to display a Gantt chart would sometimes result in the chart not being displayed. The numMinorDivLines attribute ...

  3. FusionWidgets XT v3.13.5

    Release Notes: Updates in v3.13.5 Improvement In a multi-level pie chart, 'showLabel' and 'showValue' attributes are now supported at the 'category'level. The file format to export ...

  4. FusionWidgets XT v3.13.1

    Release Notes: `fusioncharts.vml.js` file has been added to the package for Internet Explorer which contains all the VML related codes. `render()` function will also be fired when updating the chart type. In Real-time charts, request ... was not hiding on touch outside the chart. Category labels were not drawn correctly, even if padding was applied to the `<div>` tag. A blank XLS file was getting exported when `setChartAttribute()` method ...

  5. FusionCharts Suite XT v3.7 released

    Release Notes: for Right To Left (RTL) text. Multiline text in legends is now supported. Event handling on hybrid (both, touch and pointer input) devices improved. Loading of large map files has been improved using batch ...