flow diagramming - WebStorm

  1. WebStorm 10 adds Application Dependency Diagrams

    Release Notes: the built-in compiler. All compilation errors are reported in the editor on-the-fly. Application Dependency Diagrams- You can now visualize and explore your application structure with spy-js. The diagram shows ...

  2. WebStorm 2024.1

    Release Notes: Additionally, there are new authentication options, including PKCE Authorization Code and Device Grant flows, along with enhanced support for token and authentication requests. Updates in 2024.1.x 1 ...

  3. WebStorm 2023.3.2

    Release Notes: Added support for Angular 17 new control flow block syntax. Fixed the issue causing WebStorm to lose file names in file templates. Fixed several HTTP Client related issues. Fixed the issue causing ...

  4. WebStorm 2023.3

    Release Notes: Key Highlights Improved Angular support- Improved support for strict template type checking in Angular templates. Initial support for the new control-flow syntax from v17 and signals support has ...

  5. WebStorm 2022.2.x

    Release Notes: preview rendering of Mermaid diagrams containing non-ASCII characters. Fixed the issue causing incorrect type inference of the storeToRefs method from Pinia. 2022.2 Updated Jul 25, 2022 Features Frameworks ...

  6. WebStorm 2020.1

    Release Notes: changes. Changes to the commit flow- In order to streamline the commit flow, we’ve developed a new Commit tool window for handling all commit-related tasks. It is enabled for all new users by default. ...

  7. WebStorm 2019.3.2

    Release Notes: doesn't work in Angular templates. Start tag has wrong closing tag. Exception when I Reformat code. JavaScript JSX parsing in flow javascript language is broken if tag contains a namespaced tag ... or attribute. Flow module resolution (Cannot resolve module). JavaScript Frameworks Webstorm 2019.3 RC throws "XML tag has empty body" warning for Vue components. JavaScript Inspections Webpack schema ...

  8. WebStorm 2019.3.3

    Release Notes: completion" can't be unchecked and saved. JavaScript Flow: statement expected is thrown when a UnionTypeAnnotation is used as type annotation of type parameters. No completion for `function` keyword after ...

  9. WebStorm 2019.1

    Release Notes: Alt-Enter on the name of the function and select Convert to async function. This is possible not only in TypeScript files, but also in JavaScript and Flow. Frameworks New inspections for Angular apps- ...

  10. WebStorm 2016.3 released

    Release Notes: Improves support for ES6, TypeScript, and Flow. Flow support- You can now see type errors reported by Flow, a static type checking system, right in the WebStorm editor as you work with your code, ... without having to save files. You can also use code completion results provided by Flow. Better TypeScript- TypeScript code analysis and completion are now powered by the TypeScript language service, thanks ...

  11. WebStorm 2017.1 released

    Release Notes: this in the tslint.json file. JavaScript & TypeScript Module dependency diagram- To overview the application structure, you can now visualize the module dependencies that a file, group of files or folder has. ... Right-click on a file or directory in the Project view or in the editor, and then select Diagrams- Show diagram. Tools Completion for modules in package.json- WebStorm now suggests package names ...