Chant Developer Workbench

  1. VoiceXML Document Testing

    Screenshots: Test VoiceXML documents offline before deploying to servers. 0 ...

  2. Runtime Event

    Screenshots: Browse runtime events in the Events window. 0 ...

  3. VoiceXML Syntax Error Debugging

    Screenshots: Automatic syntax checking displays visual cues and syntax error messages in the Error window. Click on the error to take you to the location of it in the document window. 0 ...

  4. Conversation Management

    Screenshots: Create, validate, edit, test, and debug VoiceXML offline before deploying to voice response servers. 0 ...

  5. VoiceXML Document Editing

    Screenshots: Edit W3C VoiceXML documents faster with built-in intelliprompt that suggests valid syntax. 0 ...

  6. VoiceXML, SRGS, and SSML Editing

    Screenshots: Edit inline speech recognition grammars and text-to-speech markup in addition to VoiceXML. 0 ...

  7. SSML Error Debugging

    Screenshots: Automatic syntax checking displays visual cues and syntax error messages in the Error window. Click on the error to take you to the location of it in the document window. 0 ...

  8. TTS Playback

    Screenshots: Playback text-to-speech markup with a click of the button. Highlight specific text or playback the entire document. 0 ...

  9. Synthesizer Management

    Screenshots: Trace synthesis events in the Events window. 0 ...

  10. SSML Editing

    Screenshots: Edit L&H Native Control Sequence, SAPI 5, and W3C Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) faster with built-in intelliprompt that suggests valid markup syntax. 0 ...

  11. Recognizer Management

    Screenshots: Enumerate and test recognizers with command, dictation, and grammar vocabularies. 0 ...

  12. Recognizer Management

    Screenshots: Recognize speech from a microphone and prerecorded audio. Trace recognition events in the Events window. 0 ...

  13. Synthesizer Management

    Screenshots: Enumerate and test synthesizers with live playback or persisting synthesized speech to files. 0 ...

  14. Built-in Speaker Training

    Screenshots: Enumerate and train speech recognition profiles with recognizer built-in speaker training. 0 ...

  15. PLS Lexicon Editing

    Screenshots: Edit word pronunciations faster with built-in intelliprompt that suggests valid syntax and with built-in phoneme generation and editing tool windows. 0 ...

  16. Cepstral Pronunciation Editing

    Screenshots: Create and edit Cepstral default pronunciations faster by using the auto generation feature. Simply type the word, space, and 0 to generate the default pronunciation for editing. 0 ...

  17. Grammar Compiling and Testing

    Screenshots: Compile and test grammars with a click of a button. Review compiler messages in the output window. Speak into a microphone to test grammar. 0 ...

  18. Recognition Results

    Screenshots: View recognition results in the Output window. 0 ...

  19. Recognition Events

    Screenshots: Browse recognition events in the Events window. 0 ...

  20. Compilation Error Debugging

    Screenshots: Browse compilation errors in the Error window. Click on the error to take you to the location of it in the document window. 0 ...