VSoft Technologies
VSoft Technologies is passionate about software - especially about creating something that is easy to use, very powerful, and which its customers love. The company has been in business since 1996, and in that time has developed two great automation products based on the same proven technology. If you are a software developer, FinalBuilder will help you get that product onto the market by automating your build processes. For other IT Professionals, Automise can free you from repetitive tasks and...
December 13, 2024Product Update
Vsoft Technologies 推出的 Signotaur 是一個自託管的代碼簽名伺服器,在確保私密金鑰安全性的同時可簡化證書共用。VSoft Technologies 榮獲 ComponentSource 獎項
April 30, 2024Publisher Award
ComponentSource 在 2024 年度的 ComponentSource 獎項中授予 VSoft Technologies 廠家 100 強獎。Continua CI v1.9.2.1177
September 21, 2023新版本
Set Variable(設置變數)操作現在允許您從構建過程更新伺服器變數。Continua CI v1.9.2.1139
August 7, 2023新版本
改進了搜索過濾,並將捆綁的 PostgreSQL 更新到 15.3。FinalBuilder v8.0.0.3264
August 2, 2023新版本
環境 / 平臺
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