
Signotaur is a powerful self-hosted server designed to simplify and secure remote code signing. It serves as a centralized hub for managing signing certificates, integrating seamlessly with your continuous integration (CI) systems to streamline your development process. With Signotaur, sensitive private keys never leave the server. Enable secure remote code and document signing using USB tokens such as Yubikey and SafeNet, PFX files or Windows Certificate stores.

Signotaur Key Features:

  • BYOK (Bring Your Own Keys) - Use your own Organizational Validated (OV) or Extended Validation (EV) certificates.
  • Uncompromising Security - Your private keys stay safely within your server, never leaving the hardware security module (HSM), token, or server itself.
  • Unlimited Signing - No signing limits, unlike cloud-based services that may impose restrictions.
  • Effortless CI Integration - Easily integrate with your CI/CD pipelines, automating your code signing process.



December 13, 2024Product Update
Vsoft Technologies 推出的 Signotaur 是一個自託管的代碼簽名伺服器,在確保私密金鑰安全性的同時可簡化證書共用。

價格從: $ 293.02

One software license is required per server installation。 An installation is a copy of Signotaur installed on a physical or virtual machine。 Your initial purchase includes a 12 month support and...


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VSoft Technologies
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Operating System for Deployment
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2022
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows 10

