Continua CI

Continua CI is a Release Management Server application that eliminates all your build process headaches by managing your builds for you. It is designed to continuously monitor all your source code and automatically begin builds discretely. Continua CI automates the entire process, from triggering builds to packaging and deploying the final product. Don't limit your build to one machine, Continua CI will distribute your builds across your entire network.

Continua CI Continuous Integration
Continuously Integrate and remove the hassles associated with running builds. Continua CI will detect any changes in your source, check these against your own business logic and run your build automatically.

Continua CI can be broken into three basic steps:

  • Monitor your source for any changes.
  • Trigger a build if the source does change.
  • Build and deploy your build.

Compile, Test, Analyse and Deploy Automatically
Continua CI turns your dreaded build phase into...


Continua CI v1.9.2.1177
Continua CI v1.9.2.1177
September 21, 2023新版本
Set Variable(設置變數)操作現在允許您從構建過程更新伺服器變數。
Continua CI v1.9.2.1139
Continua CI v1.9.2.1139
August 7, 2023新版本
改進了搜索過濾,並將捆綁的 PostgreSQL 更新到 15.3。
Continua CI v1.9.2.1123
Continua CI v1.9.2.1123
July 13, 2023新版本
Continua CI v1.9.2.1106
Continua CI v1.9.2.1106
May 16, 2023新版本
Continua CI v1.9.2.1066
Continua CI v1.9.2.1066
February 9, 2023新版本
Continua CI v1.9.2.1056
Continua CI v1.9.2.1056
December 22, 2022新版本
為 Microsoft .NET 6 和 .NET 7 添加屬性收集器。

價格從: $ 195.02

One software license is required per Concurrent Build。 Your initial purchase includes 12 months of support and updates。 Updates include both minor and major releases during this time period。 The...


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Operating System for Deployment
  • Windows Server 2022
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10 (64-bit only)
  • Windows 8.1 (64-bit only)

