Document Solutions for Excel, .NET Edition

Document Solutions for Excel, .NET Edition (DsExcel, previously GcExcel) is a high-speed, small-footprint, server-side spreadsheet API that requires no dependencies on Excel. With full .NET support, you can generate, load, modify, and convert spreadsheets in .NET, .NET Framework, .NET Core, Mono, and Xamarin. Apps using the spreadsheet API can be deployed to cloud, Windows, Mac, or Linux. Its powerful calculation engine and breadth of features means you'll never have to compromise design or requirements. The interface-based API is modeled on Excel's document object model which means you can import, calculate, query, generate, and export any spreadsheet scenario. Using DsExcel, you can programmatically create Excel reports, sorted and filtered tables, sorted and filtered pivot tables, dashboard, add charts, sparklines, conditional formats, import and export Excel templates and also convert spreadsheets to PDF, HTML, or an image format. It also includes Document Solutions Data Viewer (DsDataViewer), a JavaScript viewer to open and view data documents on the client side.

Document Solutions for Excel, .NET Edition Features

Import/Export Features

  • Import and Export Excel in a .NET Application - Seamlessly import and export Excel-compatible XLSX, XLTX, XLSM files with no Excel dependency, with all formulas, formatting, and other settings.
  • PDF Export - Export Excel .xlsx spreadsheets to PDF at server side with various PDF options, including security settings and embedded form controls with HTML5 tags for autocomplete.
  • Image Exporting - Export a worksheet, cell range...


用自動目標搜索優化 Excel 分析
用自動目標搜索優化 Excel 分析
August 23, 2024Product Update
Document Solutions for Excel, .NET 7.2 現在可以在您的 .NET 應用程式中自動執行方案分析和決策。
在 C# .NET 中將 XLSX 匯出為 PDF、圖像、JSON 或 HTML
在 C# .NET 中將 XLSX 匯出為 PDF、圖像、JSON 或 HTML
August 2, 2024功能焦點
利用 Document Solutions for Excel, .NET Edition 的強大功能,以程式設計方式將 Excel 報表匯出為多種格式。
用範本快速創建 Excel 控制項
用範本快速創建 Excel 控制項
April 19, 2024Product Update
Document Solutions for Excel v7.1 具有重構的 DsExcel 範本,可提高性能、穩定性並處理更廣泛的使用者需求。
March 22, 2024功能焦點
Document Solutions for Excel API 透過內置的 Excel 函數為您的 .NET 應用程式提供高級資料分析。
用 Excel 動態函數構建依賴清單
用 Excel 動態函數構建依賴清單
February 6, 2024功能焦點
瞭解如何使用 C#.NET 在 MESCIUS Document Solutions for Excel 中使用級聯下拉列表,從而允許一個清單根據另一個清單進行更改。
如何使用 API 簡化文件自動化
如何使用 API 簡化文件自動化
November 28, 2023功能焦點
使用 MESCIUS Document Solutions API 以程式設計方式操作文件並與之互動。

價格從: $ 984.02

License Overview: Individual and Team Options: Document Solutions offers tiered licensing options to meet various development needs, including: Developer License for a single developer for deployment...

Document Solutions for Excel, .NET Edition 也以___提供︰


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MESCIUS (formerly GrapeCity)
作為官方授權的代理商,ComponentSource 可為您提供MESCIUS (formerly GrapeCity)的正版授權。
.NET Support
  • .NET 5, .NET 6, and .NET 7
  • .NET Core 2.x and 3.x
  • .NET Standard 2.x
  • .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher

