Document Solutions for Excel, .NET Edition 7.2.5
Released: Nov 21, 2024
7.2.5 中的更新
- When copying array formulas and exporting them to Excel, the reference ranges change.
- The form fields are incorrect in the exported PDF file after processing template.
- Some conditional formats are lost in the exported Excel file.
- Exception is thrown on opening a specific Excel file with a password.
- The XMATCH function does not return correct value if lookup array contains empty cells.
- Exception is thrown on loading SJS file contains null author in comment.
- The autofit method does not work after setting wrap text to the cell.
- The slicers are lost in the exported Excel file after processing template.
- Spill error shows in array functions in the exported Excel file when calculation engine is off.
- The conditional formatting is incorrect in the exported Excel file after processing template.
- Exception is thrown on processing template when filter condition contains negative number.
- The hidden rows/columns are lost after calling IRange.Copy() method.
- Exception is thrown on processing template when template file contains specific chart.
- Exception is thrown on processing template if the filtered field is empty.