Document Solutions for Excel, .NET Edition 8.0.1
Released: Jan 3, 2025
8.0.1 中的更新
- The cell value is incorrect when it is in the spilled range of dynamic array formula.
- The style in the hidden column is shown after processing template.
- The z-order of shapes changed after processing template.
- Exception is thrown on calling the processing template method when null exists in the data source.
- Background picture is not copied when calling IRange.Copy method.
- The result of XIRR formula is incorrect.
- Exception is thrown on getting value when cell uses PERCENTRANK.EXC formula.
- Some properties of chart data label lost after Excel I/O.
- The direction of arrow shape are not rendered correctly in the PDF file.
- The result of COUNTIFS formula is incorrect with "" and "<>" criteria.
- Exception is thrown on loading an XLSX file.
- The effect of MediumDashed border is incorrect in the exported PDF file.
- The legend of chart is incorrect after processing template.
- The result of dynamic array formula is incorrect after processing template.
- The conditional format is not expanding as expected after processing template.
- The number format is incorrect in the exported XLSX file after calling IRange.Copy method.
- Some rich text is incorrect after Excel I/O.
- Exception is thrown on saving SJS file when the reference of filter is empty.
- Exception is thrown on saving JSON file when workbook contains specific custom object.
- The content of cell is incorrect if cell width is not enough in the exported PDF file.