Document Solutions for Excel, .NET Edition 新版本發表
Released: Jul 26, 2022
5.1.5 中的更新
- The performance of opening particular Excel file need to be optimized.
- It takes a long time to execute calculating when workbook contains AverageIf formula.
- The calculation result of MIDB formula is incorrect in CJK culture.
- The IMPOWER formula result is incorrect.
- Exception is thrown on calling Workbook.ToJson() method when workbook contains external reference.
- Exception is thrown on loading particular SSJSON.
- The calculation result of SUMIFS formula is inconsistent with Excel.
- Exception...
Released: Jul 7, 2022
5.1.4 中的更新
- The rowheight is incorrect after copying worksheet.
- The result of SEARCHB func is different from Excel in Chinese culture.
- The result of autoFit is bad in the exported PDF file.
- Some borders are missing in the exported image after loading particular JSON file.
- Exception is thrown on drawing Pivot Table to PDF file.
- The texts in the merged cell near the page boundary are not output to PDF file.
- ArgumentException is thrown on saving Excel file when workbook contains some special characters...
Released: Jun 16, 2022
5.1.3 中的更新
- The color of cell font is incorrect in exported JSON file.
- Platform dependent characters are incorrect in the exported PDF file.
- NullReferenceException is thrown on exporting PDF file.
- The performance of inserting lots of pictures is bad.
- The value of formula N is incorrect.
- The exported XLSM file is corrupted after deleting some sheet which contains external reference.
- Setting IWorksheetView.ScrollColumn/ScrollRow properties on a worksheet which has freeze pane corrupts the saved Excel...
Released: May 31, 2022
5.1.2 中的更新
- The chart in the exported ssjson file is different from the ssjson exported by SpreadJS.
- Data binding does not support multi-layer level.
- The exported XLSX file is corrupted when copying range from one sheet to another.
- [Template Language]The generated XLSX file is corrupted when template file has multiple sheets.
- Some cell values are #REF! after using data binding.
- The size of exported chart image is smaller than the original chart in MS Excel.
- The exported XLSX file is corrupted when...
Released: May 9, 2022
5.1.1 中的更新
- [Template language]The layout is incorrect when rendering list of data with dynamic object in both right and down direction.
- When shapes with text are exported to the PDF file, shapes are not the same as Excel file.
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException or NullReferenceException is thrown on using GcExcel API in multi-threaded environment when there's TEXT function in workbook.
- The picture's position is incorrect in the exporting PDF file when some column is hidden.
- Some borders are lost in the...
Released: Apr 22, 2022
5.1.0 中的更新
- [Pivot Table] Added the ability to specify 'ShowValuesAs' Option for 'Values' Field.
- Added Numbers Fit Mode of overflow/mask.
- Added the ability to modify passwords of Microsoft Excel Documents.
- [Pivot Table] Added support for Calculated Field.
- Added support for JSON data source for template language.
- Added support for "Show #N/A as an empty cell" in Chart.
- Added the ability to convert Table to Range.
- Added support for CELL function.
- Added a CSV Custom Parser.
- Added support for Pivot table...
Released: Mar 23, 2022
5.0.5 中的更新
- Bad performance when calculating formulas in a specific Excel file.
- The position of the frozen pane is changed after JSON I/O.
- The layout of checkbox list in the exported PDF file is different from SpreadJS designer.
- Performance is bad when calling method toJSON with particular Excel file.
- When the chart is exported to PDF, the pattern fill of the legend symbol is not correct.
- The layout of the list object in the exporting PDF is not correct.
- The checkbox is unchecked when the cell value is...
Released: Mar 4, 2022
5.0.4 中的更新
- [Template Language] Cell style is incorrect after calling IWorkbook.ProcessTemplate().
- IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown on exporting PDF file when sheet contains hidden columns.
- Column width is changed when importing JSON file exported by SpreadJS.
- IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown on exporting JSON file for specific Excel file.
- Exception is thrown on saving an Excel file exported by GcExcel.
- The exported Excel file is corrupted when it contains specific linked objects.
- The exported...
Released: Feb 11, 2022
5.0.3 中的更新
- Added ability to add a filter without conditions using IRange.AutoFilter().
- Added options to control serializing workbooks to JSON without worksheets.
- Formulas are lost in exported Excel file.
- ToJson method generates invalid JSON file when Excel file having multi-line comments.
- Cell value is incorrect when evaluating formula using GcExcel.
- The cell style is incorrect in exported Excel file after loading the JSON exported by SpreadJS.
- Exception is thrown on calling workbook.toJson...
Released: Jan 14, 2022
5.0.2 中的更新
- Default column width changes when exporting to Excel file.
- The method IRange.Autofit() would not take effect when adjacent cell is set wrapping.
- Exception is thrown on saving Excel file when the formula2 in data validation is empty.
- Exception is thrown on saving PDF file when workbook contains specific chart.
- InvalidFormulaException is thrown on opening particular Excel file contains special characters in table column.
- OutOfMemory exception is thrown on exporting the Excel file with shape...