TX Text Control .NET for Windows Forms Enterprise 評價

平均審查評分:  4 (7)

4 (滿分 5 顆星)

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4 星
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匿名4 星

I have been extremely impressed with it's abilities as a an editor and with what is provided, the .NET integration and setup was easy and the programming model is straightforward.


拒絕透露的姓名 購買過授權的客戶意大利4 星
匿名4 星

I have been extremely impressed with it's abilities as a an editor and with what is provided, the .NET integration and setup was easy and the programming model is straightforward.

匿名4 星

As a new customer, I would like to say thank you for an impressive product. It has been a pleasure to work with from day one!

匿名4 星

Very happy and impressed with the X8 release and the capabilities. Especially Reflow.

匿名4 星

I was able to develop a prototype and demonstrate its capabilities to my superiors, which were impressed by the requirements achieved by using your component, and I added my personal testimony, which was greatly positive.

匿名4 星

We have been evaluating TX Text Control along with other editors in the market and are still impressed with TX's functionalities so far.

匿名4 星

We bought Text Control after my evaluation of it. We were very impressed with it's flexibility and features.