Infragistics Ignite UI 16.1 (Build 16.1.20161.2052)

This service release fixes several issues in the grid, chart, tree and UI controls.
September 15, 2016
New Version


  • AngularJS
    • When several changes in the scope are applied they are not correctly reflected in the igGrid.
    • "Unable to update ng-model from a promise in igCombo using Angular directives Note: Store the model value and apply it after the new data source has been set"
    • igHierarchicalGrid is rendered on a DIV instead of a TABLE.
    • "Updating the scope does not apply the changes to the correct cell when there are fixed columns Note: Use cellById API method of the grid to get proper cell which needs to updated. The problem was introduced when there are fixed columns."
  • Excel Engine
    • Saving a workbook with pivot table breaks the pivot table in the exported file.
  • General
    • NuGet wrong version for the help.
  • igChart
    • igDataChart - categoryTooltip with no data right before being destroyed.
    • "[igDataChart] LegendItemTemplate callbacks are not fired Note: LegendItemTemplates are now working for fragment series in stacked charts."
  • igChart
    • "Legend items are not properly ordered for a composite chart if reverseLegendOrder is set true for StackedSeries. Note: Legend items are now ordered correctly when stacked and non-stacked series are combined, and ReverseLegendOrder is set to true."
    • "The last datapoint label remains visible even the datapoint is removed and notified to the chart Note: A scenario when removing the last category item might leave a label on a category axis has been resolved."
    • "notifyClearItems API method does not notify the update to the chart Note: A scenario with labels and tickmarks could be left behind when clearing a data source has been resolved."
  • igCombo
    • Pressing Backspace before confirmation breaks the autocomplete IME input.
    • Composing 2 Japanese characters in a row and then confirming cause their doubling.
    • No events are fired when custom value is entered.
  • igDataSource
    • "Grid is thowing an error when the data source is empty Note: Check whether there is a data source applied, before using the responseDataKey value. This is allowing the grid to be initialized properly with an empty data source."
  • igDateEditor
    • igDateEditor fails to set min/max value when it's exceeded and revertIfNotValid is false.
    • Incorrect input date when changing from the last day of a long month to any day of a short month.
    • itemSelected event is fired without arguments.
    • Incorrect selected date when changing from the last day of a long month to any day of a short month.
    • igDatePicker min(max)Date is not correctly displayed.
  • igDoughnutChart
    • "notifyInsertItem method cannot be called Note: notifyClearItems, notifyInsertItem, notifyRemoveItem, and notifySetItem are now implemented as documented in igDoughnutChart."
  • igFileUpload
    • "After file uploaded successfully with Ajax, the client cannot receive JSON response data from the server. Note: In case of successful upload and it is sent JSON - JavaScript error is thrown because igUpload expects ONLY XML to be sent. igUpload now parses JSON in format {error: '', serverMessage: ''}."
    • "Filename is truncated on the server if it contains "";"" in it Note: If try to upload a file with name having character "";"" - file is uploaded but the name of the uploaded file is not properly set."
  • igGauge
    • igLinearGauge doesn't accept values of 'maximumValue' less than 0.051.
  • igGrid
    • If the grid does not have height hasVerticalScrollbar method returns true.
    • Empty horizontal scrollbar appears when the grid is bigger than the column sizes and its width is set in percent.
    • Resizing the grid causes header appearance to break.
    • When Virtualization is enabled and grid width is not set columns have incorrect width.
    • "Dropdown calendar keeps showing in the same location when Enter key is pressed and editing cell moves down. Note: Resolved an issue with the end edit procedure of igGridUpdating not recognizing and closing the datepicker dropdown causing it to remain hanging on its original place."
    • Mapper function is not available in MVC wrapper.
    • When dataType is not explicitly set the grid should auto detect it or use the default "string" type.
    • "Grid with 100% height requires its container to have explicitly set height Note: This was not a requirement in the previous versions."
    • igGrid AppendRowsOnDemand does not function properly when initialized on a widget element that is initially detached from the document.
    • When fixing and unfixing the last column on a resized window in a grid with 100% width the column widths are changed compared to their initial widths.
    • The vertical scrollbar position is incorrect after fixing a few columns.
    • When Column Fixing and cell Selection is enabled (and there is at least one fixed column) trying to navigate from the first cell (from the first record) as pressing key UP - grid is not scrolled to the selected cell (at the bottom) in Internet Explorer.
    • Scrolling is not possible with mouse wheel after unfixing a right fixed column.
    • Hiding when having a fixed column, autofitLastColumn: false and the columns are smaller than the grid width auto-fits the headers.
    • When Column Fixing, with direction "right" and cell Selection is enabled (and there is at least one fixed column) trying to navigate from the first cell (from the first record of the unfixed area) as pressing key UP - grid is not scrolled.
    • Fixing the last column when having continuous virtualization, grid width in pixels and fixingDirection "right" results in a gap between fixed and unfixed area of the grid.
    • Fixing and unfixing the last column with fixingDirection "right" and grid width set in percent shrinks the header row.
    • Horizontal scroll container is not at proper position when there is initially fixed columns and grid width is set in %.
    • Resizing is not working properly when fixing direction is "right" and grid width is set in % (rowVirtualization should be enabled).
    • There is blank space for horizontal scrollbar when there are fixed columns and fixing direction is "right."
    • Resizing grid in pixels causes white line to appear in the unfixed area when fixing direction is "right" and virtualization is enabled.
    • Setting dynamically width of the grid in percentage when fixing direction is "right" and there is at least one fixed column causes width of the horizontal bar to be incorrect.
    • Incorrect width of grid with virtualization enabled in case of grid width is set in % and there is initially fixed column.
    • Last column is not automatically adjusted when there is fixed column and grid width is in percentage and width of the grid is changed dynamically.
    • Changing dynamically width (in percentages) of the virtual grid (virtualization enabled) when fixing direction is "right" causes unfixed part header to be with incorrect width.
    • "Error saying fixedTable is undefined occurs when showHeader is false and Column Fixing is enabled. Note: When there are initially fixed columns and option showHeader is set to false - JavaScript error is thrown"
    • "Setting a column as hidden in grid with Column Fixing with columns fixed and Multi-Column Headers enabled, when unhiding columns causes column to not render properly Note: Grid header is not properly rendered when there are initially fixed columns and grid has Multi-Column Headers."
    • "Scrolling speed of the unfixed part of the grid is very slow on Google Chrome 49 on Windows 7. Note: When there is grid with fixed columns and user tries to scroll unfixed container with mouse wheel - scrolling is very slow."
    • Hiding more than one column using Column Chooser when width of the grid is not set does not update it in Mozilla Firefox.
    • igGrid Hiding does not function properly when initialized on a widget element that is initially detached from the document.
    • "More accurate/intuitive rendering of the column indicator when using deferred mode Note: Improved certain areas in the integration between Column Fixing and Column Moving. Indicators will no longer incorrectly show at the wrong place when the header hovers at same place. Fixed an issue causing the moving operation to be executed with parameters that are not the same as the indicator shows."
    • Resizing does not take into account the vertical scrollbar and some of cell text is not fully visible after resizing.
    • Height of the grid is incorrect after resizing a column.
    • Resizing grid in % when columns widths are in % does not resize correctly.
    • Exception is thrown when resizing column with API resize method and showHeaders option is set to false.
    • "Column Resizing does not work when Multi-Column Headers and Column Fixing are enabled, and grid is initialized while it is invisible Note: If grid is instantiated on hidden element and there is at least one initially fixed column (and Column Resizing is enabled) -  it is not possible to resize any column when grid is shown."
    • Column outerWidth gets larger by 3px than the size specified in resize method when rowVirtualization is enabled.
    • "When using Multi-Column Headers, Hiding and Resizing, can't resize the second from the last column after showing the last column. Note: When the grid has Multi-Column-Headers and last column is hidden showing it causes the second from the last column - can't be resized."
    • igGrid Feature Chooser does not function properly when initialized on a widget element that is initially detached from the document.
    • "filterDialogClosed event raises but the dialog is not actually closed Note: Event now raises after the dialog is closed."
    • igGrid Filtering does not function properly when initialized on a widget element that is detached from the document.
    • Holding backspace on filter prevents filter from being cleared.
    • Text in filter Row is not localized for bool values.
    • "rowVirtualization is not compatible with selectRow method while filtering the grid, it loses focus from the textbox of the filter. Note: Resolved an issue causing focus on rows from igGridSelection to be retained between virtualScrollTo API calls."
    • Can't paste numeric text in the numeric filter editor.
    • Grid throws an error when filtering is performed through API call while all filtering settings for all columns have allowFiltering option set to false.
    • filterDialogColumnDropDownDefaultWidth option does not change the width of the dropdown’s inner input element.
    • The first column is not shown in dropdown list on Advanced Filter window when Column Fixing is enabled and there is an  initially hidden column.
    • Grouping from different layouts when there is load on demand enabled is throwing an error.
    • "Second grouping after custom grouping is applied is not correct Note: Added new option - compareFunc (option of columnSettings object) - it allows to use custom comparer function (used in sorting function of data source) for each column."
    • igGrid GroupBy does not function properly when initialized on a widget element that is initially detached from the document.
    • Column key is displayed instead of column header text in the grouping summary row when group summaries are enabled.
    • When responseDataKey for both parent and child definitions is set to empty string "" a JavaScript error is thrown: _dataToExport is undefined.
    • Trying to export igHierarchicalGrid with unbound column results in an error.
    • User is not able to change event args values in event handlers.
    • "When the data source is changed with another containing the same PKs, updating fails to refresh the UI in a Knockout grid Note: Resolved an issue in the Knockout grid extension causing rebinding with a data source containing the same PKs to fail when updating the UI through the rebindCells routine."
    • "Multi-Column Headers don't render the specified rowSpan for the correct TH elements Note: If it is set option 'rowspan' for column object in Multi-Column Header scenario using MVC wrapper - it does not work as expected - it behaves like it is not set.  igMultiColumnHeader feature expects option with name 'rowspan' but MVC wrapper renders it with name 'rowSpan'. We have deprecated option rowspan and it should be used option rowSpan. For backward compatibility for now both options - rowspan and rowSpan -  could be used."
    • "$("".ui-iggrid-scrolldiv"")  height is different when Responsive feature is enabled Note: Resolved an issue causing the grid's scroll container to be improperly sized when the Responsive feature is enabled."
    • "Select all" overlay cannot be tabbed using keyboard navigation.
    • "Calling igGridSelection.selectRow API in igGrid.rowsRendered event does not check the Row Selectors checkbox Note: Resolved an issue preventing Row Selectors from reacting to Selection API calls if they are done earlier than the last event in the grid's rendering chain."
    • "multipleCellSelectOnClick option has no effect on the behavior of clicking cells Note: Resolved an issue preventing the multipleCellSelectOnClick from functioning correctly."
    • When Selection and Virtualization is enabled clicking on a last cell changes the horizontal scrollbar position in Internet Explorer.
    • "Another cell can't be selected when a cell is being edited and it is hidden in the scroll container. Note: Resolved an issue with Updating and Selection integration causing the grid to scroll to the cell or row that stopped being edited when editing ends due to a click on another row at a different scroll position."
    • "Deselect row does not take into account virtualization frame start row index Note: Resolved an issue with deselectRow and deselectCell causing unexpected behavior in virtualization scenarios."
    • Sorting style is lost if the grid is data bound and the page size or index is changed.
    • unsortColumn API does not remove the sorting indicator by index when the sorting is remote.
    • When there are 2 sorted columns and one of them has custom comparer function - for the other column it is used the same comparer function - not the default one.
    • Option compareFunc (custom comparer function) is not taken into account when initial sorting is set.
    • "Sorting indicator appears after the second column sorting and calling dataBind Note: When calling dataBind(from API) after sorting is applied on 2 different columns causes sorting indicator to be shown to these 2 columns."
    • Sorting style isn't removed after changing data source when virtualization = TRUE and persist = FALSE.
    • Summaries don't have padding when there's a scrollbar in the grid.
    • Summaries icon gets white background when clicked.
    • "Calling igGridUpdating.updateRow when fixed virtualization is enabled will destroy the igEditorFilters causing a JavaScript error to be thrown on subsequent edits Note: Resolved an issue causing editors to be destoyed and no editing to be doable when an Updating API call is done while the grid is in edit mode and there are virtualization and Summaries enabled."
    • "Calling igGridUpdating.updateRow on a grid which is in edit mode will exit edit mode if Summaries and row virtualization are enabled Note: When Summaries and Updating are enabled in virtual grid - and user is in edit mode - calling API funciton igGridUpdating.updateRow causes grid to exit edit mode."
    • igGridTooltips makes the igGridPaging element moves on hover.
    • Cannot exit edit mode with ESC key in Firefox when the value of the editor is already changed.
    • Value changes in the editCellEnding event arguments only work if the editor value has changed during edit mode.
    • When continuous virtualization is enabled you cannot delete all rows from the grid.
    • The Delete button does not disappear when changing pages on iPad.
    • Swipe to show Delete button works for group rows.
    • When opening the dialog for a row using 'startEdit' API the respective cell editor should be focused.
    • "Cannot change columnSettings option in editRowStarting event Note: Added the possibility of columnSettings  being settable in a handler of the editRowStarting event."
    • The grid scrolls back to the top when a cell is updated in a grid with Virtualization and Summaries enabled.
    • In grid with Virtualizatoin enabled when deleting row - summaries are not updated.
    • setCellValue cannot set a new PK for a row.
    • If updateRow is called with a list of values containing some for read-only columns while their row is in edit mode an error is thrown.
    • "Grid framework throws a TypeError on entering edit mode once jQuery UI tooltip is attached to the cell Note: Resolved an issue with Updating and other features failing to recognize which column a cell element belongs to when the ARIA-describedby attribute is modified by a third-party control resulting in an unspecific error."
    • "igGrid not rendering Delete button on Internet Explorer 10 Note: Resolved an issue preventing the Delete button to show on hover in IE10."
    • Wrong date when clicking on datepicker editor inside grid cell.
    • "When exiting edit mode without making any changes, ui.update returns true for combo column Note: Changed the default EditorProviderCombo getValue function to return null when no item is selected which is more akin to what the grid's data source would work with compared to the previous empty array."
    • "rowEditDialogOptions:editorsColumnWidth and namesColumnWidth options do not work properly with pixels Note: Resolved an issue with the default Row Edit Dialog's table rendering in auto layout thus setting column widths for the two columns in it is not adhered to properly."
    • "Hiding the validator message is not detected by Updating causing further messages to be hidden. Note: Resolved an issue preventing a validator message for a column from appearing if another validator message was shown and then hidden for a different column."
    • "excelNavigationMode: true is not working when Updating and Summaries are enabled a cell is being edited and then navigated away with the arrow keys Note: Resolved an issue preventing vertical keyboard navigation when virtualization and Summaries are enabled with Updating."
    • "Closing the dialog with ESC/Enter doesn't throw events if it wasn't closed through the Done/Cancel buttons at least once. Note: Resolved an issue causing no events to be fired for the first closing of the edit dialog if it's done by the keyboard (Enter/ESC)."
    • "Value of numeric cell increases or decreases when entering cell using excelNavigationMode Note: Resolved an issue causing editors that use arrow keys to change their value to incorrectly change their value while navigating through them with the arrow keys when excel navigation mode is turned on."
    • Rows height fills the whole grid height when fixed virtualization is enabled and autoAdjustHeight is set to true after sorting.
    • Resizing the grid at runtime doesn't work when row virtualization is enabled and autoAdjustHeight=true.
  • igHierarchicalGrid
    • Tabbing out of a child grid onto the parent grid in hierarchical grid doesn't remove state focus class of the parent cells.
    • Editing rows on different levels causes error.
  • igMaskEditor
    • When you set the value option it doesn't use the mask pattern in igMaskEditor.
    • The value method doesn't return correct value on keypress event in igMaskEditor.
  • igPercentEditor
    • Insert method doesn't work properly for the igPercentEditor.
  • igRating
    • Touch-optimized icons are not applied, looks pixelated.
  • igSparkline
    • If verticalAxisVisibility is collapsed in Chrome cannot be set again to visible.
  • igSplitter
    • Resizing of the splitter causes enlarge of the opposite size with 2px constantly.
    • "[igSplitter with Bootstrap] Not able to click down split bar triangle icon and when click on up triangle icon, it stick at the top of the page and not able to move it back. Note: The Bootstrap styles override Ignite UI styles and hide the clickable area of the button so one cannot click on the down arrow. The fix is to override Bootstrap styles but strictly for these 2 collapse/expand buttons of the splitter. Already set new box-sizing style for these buttons."
    • "Splitter Pane sizing is not set in Edge when the CSS file for Bootstrap is added to the page Note: Edge present different boxing model than other browsers and present border width """" insead of ""0px"". This causes the bug."
  • igTextEditor
    • Full width numeric characters are converted to half width after IME composition end.
    • Although setting includeKeys option, the user can paste any characters in the text editor.
  • igTreeGrid
    • toggleRow API method callback parameter is invoked before the rows are collapsed(or expanded) when virtualization is enabled.
    • Header checkbox for TreeGrid with RowSelectors in triState mode doesn't get checked/unchecked properly when all rows are selected.
    • "Focus is not correctly set when there are two igTreeGrids with the same primary key when Virtualization is enabled Note: Focusing the expand button from the proper igTreeGrid. It needs to be manually re-focused at first place, because of the virtualization, which rerenders the rows."
    • "Expanding action is not consistent when there is Selection and it applies activation to the expansion indicator cell when there is Virtualization enabled Note: When clicking on expand icon container (but not directly on expand icon) - in case of row virtualization and row Selection is enabled for igTreeGrid - row is selected. When clicking on expand button/expand button container - it should behave in the same way - row should be toggled and selection should not be changed."
    • Resizing TreeGrid runtime in % causes incorrect column widths when autofitLastColumn is false and Virtualization is enabled.
    • Row header for a selected row does not get applied "ui-state-checked" when you change the page, select all and return back to the previous page.
    • Tooltip with wrong content is shown while adding new child row in the TreeGrid.
    • "Add child row" button does not appear when swiping right on Surface.
    • When entering edit mode for not committed child in touch environment the "Add Child" button is enabled.
    • The Done/Cancel buttons container is cut off in touch environment.
    • "rowAdding event does not return enough information about the parent of the row which is going to be added Note: The arguments of the events that are fired when adding new child now have parentID property."
    • """Add new row"" row is not rendered when igTreeGrid is created on DIV element. Note: If igTreeGrid is instantiated on DIV element and Updating is enabled - ""Add new row"" is not rendered."
  • igVideoPlayer
    • currentTime method does not work as setter in Internet Explorer 11.
  • JavaScript
    • "infragistics.dv.js does not support jQuery.noConflict() Note: Now infragistics.dv.js supports jQuery.noConflict."
  • MVC Wrappers (Grid Sorting)
    • compareFunc option is not available from the MVC wrapper.
  • Styling
    • Cursor style is like text when hovering over expand/checkbox icons in Internet Explorer 11 and Edge (igTree, igTreeGrid, igGrid Selection, igPivotGrid, igCheckboxEditor).
  • TypeScript
    • All classes in module Infragistics are lacking methods in TypeScript definitions.
Infragistics Ignite UI

Infragistics Ignite UI

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