Express Navigation Pack 16.1.4

Patches released for bars, editors, layout and docking controls or libraries.
September 19, 2016
New Version


ExpressBars Suite

  • An AV occurs on clicking the button that replaces a bar editor located on a vertical toolbar.
  • Ribbon - TdxBarApplicationMenu - The header and footer backgrounds are incorrectly painted if the Ribbon control's Style property is set to rs2010.
  • Ribbon - TdxRibbonBackstageView - A large button (TdxBarLargeButton) cannot be assigned to a menu button's Item property.
  • Ribbon - TdxRibbonBackstageView - Resetting the Fonts.AssignedFonts flags doesn't update the Backstage View.
  • Ribbon - The font specified using the Ribbon control's Fonts.Group property is not applied to Tab Area Toolbar items.
  • The "Invalid class typecast" error occurs on generating a Ribbon/Toolbar UI for the Rich Edit control.
  • The order of a new BarItem is incorrectly restored when the Item has the second position.

ExpressDocking Library

  • Loading the layout of dock controls from an INI file or the registry incorrectly restores control sizes if the layout was stored at different DPI settings.

ExpressLayout Control

  • All DevExpress editors - Recreating the handle of a displayed form paints a non-transparent border around editors in certain cases.
  • All DevExpress editors - The editor's border flickers on resizing the editor embedded to a skinned layout control.
  • The "Invalid pointer operation" exception occurs on removing a control linked to a layout item from a frame embedded into a form.
  • The active tab cannot be switched in a tabbed group that contains a layout group whose content is vertically scrolled.
  • The height of a tabbed group whose TabbledOptions.TabPosition property is set to tpLeft is incorrectly calculated if this group contains a TdxLayoutLabeledItem whose CaptionOptions.WordWrap property is set to True.

ExpressSkins Library

  • Form - The content is not repainted in response to maximizing/restoring down the form in certain cases.
  • Skin Editor - The currently active skin is not applied to toolbars displayed in the Preview window if its Style Options | Use Ribbon option is switched off.
  • VisualStudio2013 skins - An incorrect skin element is applied to vertically oriented toolbars.

ExpressEditors Library

  • All DevExpress editors - The "Canvas does not allow drawing" or EOutOfResources exception occurs on modifying the editor's properties more than 10,000 times without calling Application.ProcessMessages.
  • All DevExpress editors - The font size is incorrectly scaled at high DPI settings (more than 96) if custom Styles.Font settings are used in an application built with RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin
  • cxCurrencyEdit - Validation fails when clearing the edit value and posting an empty string.
  • cxDateEdit - The content is incorrectly aligned if the Style.Font.Size property value is less or equal to 0.
  • cxFontNameComboBox - The Properties.ItemHeight property value is ignored.
  • cxRichEdit - No images are displayed in Windows 10 if the editor whose Properties.RichEditClass property is set to recRichEdit41 is either read-only or its bound dataset is in Browse mode.
  • cxRichEdit - The Properties.AllowObjects property setting is ignored if the Properties.RichEditClass property is set to recRichEdit41 in Windows 10.
  • cxTextEdit and descendants - The SelText method doesn't replace/insert a text if the editor is focused and its Properties.ReadOnly property is set to True.
  • dxCheckGroupBox - The frame is painted under the caption area's check box.
  • dxDateTimeWheelPicker - Certain month and year combinations cannot be selected if the Properties.MinDate and Properties.MaxDate properties are assigned and only the month and/or year wheel is displayed.
  • Moving focus from a TFindDialog or TReplaceDialog window opened after closing a TcxCustomComboBox descendant's drop-down window puts the dialog window behind the main form.
  • TcxCustomComboBox descendants - An AV occurs on calling the Properties.Items.Clear method if the Properties.IncrementalFiltering property is set to True and the Properties.Items collection contains at least one item.
  • TcxDBTimeEdit - An exception occurs when an end-user rotates the mouse wheel while the mouse pointer is positioned within an empty editor in Windows 10.
  • The Space keystroke is ignored in an editor with a fixed drop-down list if this list contains a selected item and the editor's Properties.IncrementalFiltering property is set to True.


  • TcxStyleRepository - The "Property PixelsPerInch does not exist" error occurs on displaying the "Predefined StyleSheets" dialog if the ExpressPrinting System is installed along with the Grid, Tree List, and/or Vertical Grid control.
Express Navigation Pack


Add Ribbon, toolbar, layout and skinning functionality to your VCL applications.

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