DevExtreme 16.2.6

Maintenance release includes several bug fixes.
March 30, 2017
New Version


Data Grid

  • dxDataGrid - A boolean cell becomes unchecked on an attempt to save changes if a value is not valid in batch edit mode.
  • dxDataGrid - Editing of banded columns and regular columns located after banded ones does not work in the Adaptive Detail Row when the columnHidingEnabled option is enabled.
  • dxDataGrid - Filtering by a column is not reset when a column is hidden via the column chooser.
  • dxDataGrid - Filtering doesn't take a time part in the Filter Row into account if headerFilter.groupInterval is 'minute'.
  • dxDataGrid - It's impossible to resize the first column after certain columns becomes visible using Column Chooser.
  • dxDataGrid - Master-Detail - Incorrect behavior when both detail and row templates are defined in AngularJS.
  • dxDataGrid - Pager navigation buttons are rendered incorrectly when in RTL mode.
  • dxDataGrid - The columnIndex argument of the CellClick event handler is always zero for columns in adaptiveDetailRow (the columnHidingEnabled option is enabled).
  • dxDataGrid - The format of the exported Date column with the "dd-MMM-yyyy" format setting is incorrect in an Excel file.
  • dxDataGrid - The preloadEnable option does not make the grid load rows that are above the current row.
  • dxDataGrid - The stored state is applied before data loading.
  • dxDataGrid bound to ODataStore does not highlight filtered rows if the filter is case-insensitive.
  • dxDataGrid doesn't accept a single object with data and parameters and throws the "TypeError: _adapterFactory is not a function." error on an attempt to expand a group row if remote grouping is enabled.
  • dxDataGrid with Master-Detail scenario - If a row gets expanded when a subsequent row is already expanded, detail grids of these rows are refreshed.
  • The DataGrid widget works incorrectly if stateStoring is enabled after the widget initialization.
  • Type definitions - The dxDataGrid.clearFilter method's signature is incorrect.

Data Visualization

  • A PDF file exported using dxChart which is embedded in an iframe on Firefox cannot be opened using Acrobat Reader.
  • dxChart - The "Error: <rect> attribute height: Expected length, "NaN"" error is thrown on an attempt to toggle series visibility when using specific settings.
  • dxChart - The "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'dispose' of null" error is thrown after the "W2106 - Labels of 'horizontal' axis were hidden due to container size" warning when an end-user resizes the window.
  • dxChart - Tooltip is misplaced in RTL mode.
  • dxChart does not draw a line between all points when the graph represents a circle if the spline series is used.

DevExtreme Core

  • DevExtreme fails with the "$.holdReady is not a function" error when jQuery 3.2.0 is used.
  • The List Selection demo throws an exception after changing selection mode.
  • The setter method of a nested property is not called when the property is modified using dxDataGrid.

DevExtreme Demos

  • The Master-Detail View demo does not display detail data in the Angular approach.

DevExtreme Tools

  • A JS object used in a string returns DevExtreme.AspNet.Mvc.JS.
  • An error occurs on building an Android package: Code size changes.
  • The "Invalid type for UIDeviceFamily value" warning is displayed when a DevExtreme app is uploaded to the App Store.
  • ThemeBuilder - Icons are not included into the resultant CSS file in version 16.2.

Pivot Grid

  • dxPivotGrid - Columns are messed up when rtlEnabled is set to true.
  • dxPivotGrid - Empty space appears when a scrollbar is hidden.
  • It is difficult to get a reference to the field instance in the sortingMethod callback function.


  • dxScheduler - The "Cannot read property 'setHours' of undefined" error appears in the browser's console on resizing the client area.
  • dxScheduler - The End date is incorrect in the agenda view.
  • dxScheduler - The repeat switch is not rendered correctly once the form is changed with code.
  • dxScheduler loses an appointment's time after drag-and-drop in the month view.
  • The "Cannot read property 'setHours' of undefined" error is raised on the scheduler Month view if a cell has many appointments.

UI Widgets

  • Angular - The "Cannot read property 'children' of undefined" error appears in the getInkRipple function on pressing a button.
  • Documentation - dxDateBox - The applyValueMode "instantly" is ignored when the type is "datetime".
  • dxDataGrid - dxDateBox doesn't force filtering in the Filter Row after clearing the previous value using backspace.
  • dxFileUploader - Removing one file removes all files at once in AngularJS.
  • dxForm - The "Cannot read property '_triggerOnFieldDataChangedByDataSet' of undefined" error occurs on an attempt to change formData in Angular at runtime.
  • dxForm - Data binding does not work in the case of complex (hierarchical) field values.
  • dxForm items are initially aligned incorrectly in IE.
  • dxForm recreates editors under certain conditions even if the layout is not changed.
  • dxForm, dxToolbar - The disabled option does not work.
  • dxList does not provide an API to select/unselect all items.
  • dxNumberBox doesn't automatically correct a value greater than the max option value if valueChangeEvent is 'keyup' and the mode is "number".
  • dxPopover default options affect a popover inside dxLookup.
  • dxPopup - The close button is not shown in IE 11.
  • dxSelectBox - The filter becomes incorrect if a promise object is rejected on the onCustomItemCreating callback.
  • dxSelectBox - The noDataText property uses the default value when Custom Store is used.
  • dxSelectBox does not always load the next page if a user holds the scrollbar and scrolls it to the bottom on Mac.
  • dxTreeView's createChildren method does not work with native Promises.
  • IE11 - Submenu is not shown on hovering over a parent item.
  • IE11 - Submenu is partially shown beyond the screen's edge if there is no enough place to fully render it.
  • IE11 - Toast notification is misplaced.
  • The "Could not complete the operation due to error 800a025e" error occurs in IE 10 when selecting text in a grid cell.
  • The _loadFilteredData method of the selection.strategy module throws the "dataQuery(...).filter(...).toArray is not a function" error when an object is passed to the Deferred.resolve method.

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