ThermalLabel Web Editor Add-on for ASP.NET 7.0

Added JavaScript functions to perform clipboard tasks on items in the current thermal label.
May 5, 2017
New Product


  • Added JavaScript getXmlTemplate() function that allows you to get the XML content for the current thermal label.
  • Added JavaScript addItem() function that allows you to add a new Item object to the current thermal label.
  • Added JavaScript clipboardCut(), clipboardCopy() and clipboardPaste() functions to perform clipboard tasks on items in the current thermal label.
  • Added JavaScript newItemCreated() function/event to handle the creation of a new item on the label designer canvas.
  • Added JavaScript currentSelectionBeforeDelete and currentSelectionAfterDelete functions/events for handling delete operation with the possibility of canceling it if needed.
  • Added JavaScript moveSelectedItems() function to move the selected item by the specified horizontal and vertical offsets.
  • Added SaveInCache action to the ThermalLabelWebEditor.axd HTTP handler to save XML Label Templates in the TempLabels folder that must be at the website root with Write Permission allowed.
  • ThermalLabel Web Editor Sample website featuring keyboard shortcuts, item operation events, allow to change label settings like unit and size, and many more.
  • Updated to work with ThermalLabel SDK 7.0.
ThermalLabel Web Editor Add-on for ASP.NET

Neodynamic ThermalLabel Web Editor Add-on for ASP.NET

Allow your users to create thermal labels within your own ASP.NET Websites (MVC, WebForms and Core).

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