PowerShell Studio 2018

PrimalSense now includes additional info, such as parameter set names, return values and validation sets.
February 12, 2018
New Version


  • PrimalSense cache now includes additional information, such as parameter set names, return values and validation sets.
  • PrimalSense will now provide a list of assemblies for the using statement’s assembly parameter.
  • PowerShell Studio now provides PrimalSense for a module’s cmdlets when using the module’s fully qualified name.
  • When working with a cmdlet or function, you can trigger the parameter set completion pop-up by pressing [Ctrl + Shift + Space]:
  • Customizable console and PowerShell Core - you now have the option to configure PowerShell Studio’s embedded consoles.
  • PowerShell Studio will attempt to detect Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core and automatically add them to the console list.
  • Added a new Functions option to code folding. The new option will collapse and expand function declarations separately from script blocks.
  • Added a new formatting option that allows you to format reserved word (keyword) character casing.
  • Output Panel Coloring - Changes the color of the text to denote errors and warnings in the Output and Debug Panels, making important messages stand out.
  • PSScriptAnalyzer results are now color-coded.
  • Added a new Copy Encoded command that will Base64 encode the selected text and copy it to the clipboard.
  • Improved remote console prompt.
  • New variable for snippets and templates.
  • Updated the Database Panel’s generated query scripts to bring them in line with the generated grid functions.
  • Changes to assemblies list for GUIs - PowerShell Studio will now only list external assemblies that you explicitly specify.
  • Improved debugger performance for large data arrays.
  • Improved performance handling for output.
  • Improved project syncing performance.


  • Fixed: Project Sync updates files even after a project was closed.
  • Fixed: Project Sync would throw an unhandled exception if a file was renamed or removed.
  • Fixed: Changing the name of a file when a synchronized project was closed caused an unhandled exception during load.
  • Fixed: ListView Column's DisplayIndex was not restored when the psf file was reopened.
  • Fixed: High DPI issue with the MenuStrip in the designer.
  • Fixed: Recovery code issue if the script in the editor ended with a comment.
  • Fixed: Projects didn't allow to set the Build and Shared properties for psm1 and psd1 files.
  • Fixed: Function Navigation pull down would trigger the word "global" in the output.
  • Fixed: Hover PrimalSense for a parameter for cmdlets and functions were not showing the correct position / required info.
  • Fixed: Typing ( on a method at the end of the document triggered an exception if Auto-insert closing parenthesis was disabled.
  • Fixed: Could not cancel out of the Function Builder when there was a validation error.
  • Fixed: SaveAs was not including the psbuild file.
  • Fixed: Nested Foreach loop would fail to parse type.
  • Fixed: Empty ListBox/ComboBox items were not restored when the psf when opened.
  • Fixed: Large amount of output generated by a script would freeze the UI.
  • Fixed: Hovering over a large array would lock up the debugger for a considerable amount of time.
  • Fixed: Windows Application packager engine would not display pop-ups or execute correctly when ran from a UNC path.
  • Fixed: Test-Path snippet error.
  • Fixed: Toggle Quotes command would fail to convert quotes within the string if it was not a Here-String.
  • Fixed: Navigation pull down menus would not jump to the selected item if it was already selected.
  • Fixed: Resolve Functions on Run Selection - was pulling all functions instead of necessary functions.
  • Fixed: Go to next /prev function was stopping at loops.
  • Fixed: After opening a remote console and restarting, the console panel would come up empty.
  • Fixed: A French-Canadian keyboard AltGr key combination was triggering the toggle quotes command.
PowerShell Studio 2018

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