Actipro Editors for Universal Windows 2018.1

Updates DateTime control to adhere to the current culture's min/max values.
May 30, 2018
New Version


  • Added the AutoCompleteBox.SelectAll method.
  • Updated the AutoComplexBox.TextChanged event arguments to pass an IsPopupAllowed property that can be set to false to prevent the popup from showing for the popup.
  • Updated DateTime manipulation methods to adhere to the current culture-based calendar's min/max values.
  • Updated TimeEditBox to preserve the date portion of the DateTime.
  • Moved the primitive control EmbeddedTextBox to the Shared Library so it can be used by other products as well.
Actipro Editors for Universal Windows

Actipro Editors for UWP

Advanced editor controls for touch, mouse and keyboard data entry.

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