SQL Toolbelt Essentials June

Includes updates to SQL Compare, SQL Data Compare, SQL Source Control and SQL Test.
June 5, 2018
New Version


SQL Toolbelt Essentials includes the following updates:

SQL Compare Pro v13.3

  • Supports external language event types, which are now available on Azure.
  • Command line now includes switches /activedirectory1 and /activedirectory2 to specify the use of Azure Active Directory authentication.

SQL Data Compare Pro v13.3

  • Adds option to include "generated always columns" in the comparison.
  • Telemetry has been updated in accordance with Redgate Software's privacy policy.
  • SQL Data Compare command line now includes switches /activedirectory1 and /activedirectory2 to specify the use of Azure Active Directory authentication.
  • Adds compatibility with SQL Compare

SQL Source Control v6.1.8

  • Bulk uninstaller improvements.
  • Telemetry has been updated in accordance with Redgate Software's privacy policy.

SQL Test v3.0

  • Added SQLCover code coverage.


SQL Toolbelt Essentials includes the following fixes:

SQL Compare Pro v13.3

  • "Ignore whitespace" option is no longer applied to string literals.
  • CLR triggers will now be deployed if an assembly they require is rebuilt and Include Dependencies is on.
  • The 'DROP and CREATE instead of ALTER' option is no longer ignored when creating a deployment script.
  • Crash when trying to deploy a Service that references a system-defined Contract.
  • Multi-line string literals now have difference highlighting applied correctly.
  • Adding a check constraint while rebuilding a table no longer causes an invalid deployment script.
  • Functions that are schema bound and omit 'AS' in their definition no longer cause an invalid deployment script.
  • Removing a column from a fulltext index on a view will now be flagged as a difference.
  • Altering the columns in a fulltext index on a view now produces a correct deployment script.
  • CLR triggers are now replaced when they need to be dropped to enable assembly rebuild.
  • UDT changes in script folders now cause objects using the UDT to be deployed as dependencies, to ensure the script folder does not become inconsistent.
  • UDTs no longer create objects that depend on the type as dependencies when you attempt to deploy just the type (they will still pull differences in objects that exist on both sides).
  • Telemetry has been updated in accordance with Redgate Software's privacy policy.
  • Ignores line endings whitespace in string literals when IgnoreWhiteSpace switched on.
  • Handles Services with Contract dependencies not in the database that could just be arbitrary strings (e.g. as in the case with Query Notifications).
  • IgnoreUsers now properly ignores role memberships; role memberships are no longer ignored when IgnoreUsers is off.
  • Extended properties on queue event notifications are no longer deployed when the IgnoreEventNotificationsOnQueues option is on.
  • Handles errors with missing schemas in a scripts folder.
  • Using the IncludeIdentical switch on the command line no longer rebuilds objects with default non_PRIMARY filegroups.
  • The existence of multiple DDL event types on the server that are unknown to SQL Compare will no longer cause trigger registration to fail.
  • Double-clicking on a project in the 'My projects' screen now does 'Compare now' instead of 'Edit project'.
  • Command line can deploy static data from a table with a primary key and unique index to a table with only a unique index.
  • Simple HTML option description removed from help widget in Generate Comparison Results Report dialog.
  • When rebuilding a temporal table, data from the GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW START/END columns is now preserved.
  • When using "Ignore white space" option, nested string literals with whitespace differences now have highlighting applied.
  • Improved error handling with missing schemas in a scripts folder.
  • IgnoreFullTextIndexing option works as expected when NoTransactions switch on.
  • Command line no longer fails in certain scenarios when the /exclude switch is used with /include:identical.
  • Command line will no longer fail when there is whitespace between options in an XML argument file.
  • Now re-creates target performance indexes that had to be dropped for table changes when Ignore Performance Indexes option is on
  • No longer tries to add constraints to a temporal table's history table.
  • No longer fails when deploying a filter predicate in a security policy where the number of arguments has changed.
  • /exclude command line switch now correctly overrides /include:Identical in generated reports.
  • No longer crashes when scripting out a trigger it can't parse.
  • Event notifications now select the Service that they're on as a dependency, if it's in the source database and IncludeDependencies is enabled.
  • Comparisons for a stoplist with NULL owner no longer crash.

SQL Source Control v6.1.8

  • Ignores line endings whitespace in string literals when the ignore whitespace option is used.
  • Fixed a compatibility issue between different versions of Redgate products that could cause them to fail to load in SSMS 2014 and earlier.
  • Fixed an ObjectNotInDifferences error that occurred when the database contains a Service that depends on a Contract that is not defined in the database itself.
  • Better handles the case when schema definitions are missing from the scripts folder.
  • Now correctly ignores extended properties on queue event notifications (as well as ignoring the event notification itself), when the Ignore event notification on queues option is used.
  • Fixed a regression in the behaviour of the 'Ignore users' permissions and role memberships' option so that role memberships are now correctly ignored.

SQL Test v3.0

  • Telemetry has been updated in accordance with Redgate Software's privacy policy.
  • Now respects the value of the "Trust server certificate" checkbox in SSMS.
  • Now displays a more informative error message if test coverage fails to start.
  • Fix for an installer bug.
  • Now displays test scripts correctly in SSMS 17.5.
  • Fixes an assembly conflict with SQL Prompt.
SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare updated.

SQL Toolbelt Essentials

Award-winning tools for database comparison, productivity, source control, and troubleshooting.

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