Infragistics Ignite UI for JavaScript 18.1 Build 18.1.20181.189

Improves Chart, Grid and Spreadsheet controls.
July 16, 2018
New Version


Excel Engine

  • Unhandled ArgumentOutOfRangeException with filter applied on a sheet with a table.
  • Unhandled NullReferenceException when trying to copy after Delete all, when spreadsheet has comment.
  • Applying a Top/Bottom percentage filter doesn't work correctly.
  • Unable to load Excel file with page breaks.


  • Error is thrown when trying to render barcode using combined files: $.ig.XamQRCodeBarcode is not a constructor.


  • igCombo gets focus when tabbing even if disabled.


  • igDataChart's Legend items of stacked column series are not destroyed on series recreation.
  • igDataChart's Label on X and Y axis become bolder as stacked column series is recreated multiple times.
  • Not able to interact with the dataChart events through touch device.


  • igDatePicker is throwing error, when dataMode is set to displayModeText.


  • Delete row icon is partially hidden by the vertical scroll bar.
  • Exception when a column is fixed and trying to recreate a destroyed grid.
  • Column width is not correct when there is initially hidden column at position 0, Column Fixing and Multi-Column Headers features enabled and the column is intially fixed.
  • When autoGenerateColumns is true and Filtering is enabled there is a loading indicator that never hides.
  • When showEmptyConditions and showNullConditions are set to true Empty, Not Empty, Null, Not Null labels are not displayed in conditions drop down list.
  • When Grid with GroupBy feature is destroyed the data is rendered a second time before the grid is completely removed.
  • Performance degradation when there are multiple initially collapsed Multi-Column Headers.
  • When GroupBy initialExpand option is false the select all functionality works as when all records are selected.
  • ui.row that is a parameter of rowSelectionChanged handler refers the last row object when grid is row-virtualized and RowSelectors' header checkbox is clicked.
  • Selected cell is scrolled out in navigating by keyboard.
  • Default sorting expressions are not applied after dataBind.
  • Updating columnSettings object is available even when no columnSettings are defined.
  • Re-using columnSettings in Updating leads to issues.
  • Updating feature error message doesn't hide on scroll when there is no grid height set.
  • When editMode is 'cell', calling updateRow metod in editCellEnded event causes that cell value is reverted back to its old value.
  • Misalignment between the header row and the data rows in entering an edit mode when the grid is horizontally scrolled to the right edge and the last column uses igCombo for editor.
  • Features like Resizing and Hiding cannot be prevented to preserve user input during edit mode.
  • Cannot scroll grid with fixed virtualization on touch.


  • Fix loader issues with igCategoryChart and igShapeChart.


  • Data Visualization tooltip overflows the page y axis.
  • Tiles remain blurry when zooming.


  • Unnecessary two consecutive calls of selectedItemChanged event.


  • Checked state is not retained for the checkboxes on a filter popup.


  • Unchecked members on a filter popup are still visible.


  • Scheduler is not visible if there is no dataSource passed.


  • igScroll inside igGrid on touch environment is not visible.


  • Changing the cell format while it is being edited is clearing the entered text.
  • Formula bar combobox displays tooltip and empty dropdown list message, Clear button and placeholder.


  • Keydown event doesn't bubble up to document when maxLength option is set to igTextEditor.


  • igTimePicker with JSON date format does not display the value.
  • Add support for igTimePicker in validator.


  • Vertical scrollbar moves back when the grid is scrolled down using a mouse wheel.
  • igTreeGrid with virtualization. Scroll will jump to the top when scrolling with the mouse wheel down to the bottom.


  • Exception is thrown when loading es  locale files.
  • Exception is thrown when trying to change language globally and there is a column with allowFiltering option set to false.

MVC Wrappers

  • IgniteUI MVC package cannot be installed on a .Net Core App using Visual Studio 2017.
  • Title and Subtitle properties are missing from MVC CategoryChart AspNetCore assembly.
  • Threshold error is thrown when the items value range is too big (One value is 100 and other 100 000) MVC project.
  • xAxisFormatLabel and yAxisFormatLabel are missing in the intellisense.
  • ConditionList option cannot be set via the MVC wrapper.
Infragistics Ignite UI for JavaScript

Infragistics Ignite UI

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