FusionCharts XT v3.13.1

Introduces two new chart types - Overlapped Column Chart and Overlapped Bar Chart.
August 24, 2018
New Version


  • FusionCharts Suite XT v3.13.0 introduces two new chart types: overlapped column chart and overlapped bar chart.
  • Spline and Spline Area charts can now be built as part of combination charts, using the `renderAs` attribute.
  • A common theme can now be applied to all charts in a page.
  • For dual y-axis charts, the secondary data plots now overlaps the primary data plots if `renderAs` attribute is set as column.
  • In zoomline chart, `maxPeakDataLimit` and `minPeakDataLimit` attributes consider the limits as a range when both the attributes are used.
  • The `onChangeCrossLine` event is fired when the mouse pointer is dragged from one data plot to another.
  • Custom fonts from client-side export can now be exported using `useSVGDeCanvo` option.
  • The hyphen ( - ) character is now supported in the parameter of the JavaScript function of `link` attribute.
  • The `defaultPrevented` property in the `eventObject` is used instead of the 'prevented' property.
  • `getSVGString` now accepts an object as the second parameter with a property named `keepImages`. It can now export the logo or any images (background images, etc.) present in the chart.
  • `fusioncharts.vml.js` file has been added to the package for Internet Explorer which contains all the VML related codes.
  • `render()` function will also be fired when updating the chart type.


  • Chart was throwing runtime error while changing the 'chartType'.
  • When map alias was prefixed with a path (e.g. ‘maps/’) drill down chart failed to render the maps.
  • The attribute 'displayValue' set as '" "' (blank space), is now working for trend line when the start value is '0'.
  • Problem related to rendering FusionCharts in old IE browsers (VML) has been rectified.
  • Changing theme using 'setChartAttribute' has been fixed for Funnel and Pyramid chart.
  • Application of palette colors on changing theme is rectified for Pie 3D charts.
  • Legend icons are now properly updated on changing theme, for Multi-Axis Line chart.
  • Crossline color is now properly updated on changing theme, for Stacked Column chart.
  • The background color of the Thermometer graph is now properly updated for themes 'Fusion', 'Gammel' or 'Candy'.
  • Consolidated tooltip can now safely use '<div>' element to define tooltext.
  • 'animateClockwise' is now working for Pie/Doughnut charts.
  • The height of the chart canvas was contracting when updated using the `setChartAttribute( )` function.
  • Y-axis values were getting cropped when `yAxisMaxValue` attribute value was set in decimals.
  • In Stacked charts that included line, such as Stacked Column 2D Line, multiple line series were considered as stacked, which led to improper axis limits.
  • In Pie and Doughnut charts, `dataIndex` was giving wrong values from data-plot events.
  • In Stacked Area 2D charts, plots would not render properly when stacked with 100%, if there was a zero value.
  • In touch devices, tooltip was not hiding on touch outside the chart.
  • Category labels were not drawn correctly, even if padding was applied to the `<div>` tag.
  • A blank XLS file was getting exported when `setChartAttribute()` method was used.
  • If there were multiple charts in a page, the plot values of all charts wouldn't appear unless the rendering animation was completed for all charts.
  • FusionCharts was adding itself to the global window scope even if it was required using an AMD loader.
  • Experimental API `enableFirebugLite` has been removed from the Suite, as most of the browsers now have their own debugger.
  • The deprecated methods `getXML()` & `setDataXML()` have been removed.
FusionCharts XT

FusionCharts XT

JavaScript (HTML5) enterprise-grade charts and graphs for dynamic web applications.

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