DevExtreme 18.1.7

JavaScript component suite - latest release improves the Data Grid, Pivot Grid and Tree List controls.
November 5, 2018
New Version


DevExtreme, HTML JS

DevExtreme Core

  • DataGrid - The header filter shows (Blanks) when its data source contains many items.
  • ODataStore - The byKey function does not parse dot notation in the 'expand' option.
  • ScrollView - The built-in simulated scrolling mechanism scrolls to many lines if the mouse has non-default scrolling configuration.
  • SelectBox - The scrolling feature works incorrectly after Angular routing.

DevExtreme Data Grid

  • An error message is shown when DataGrid's onRowValidating event is raised and this breaks the popup editing.
  • Column visibility does not update properly when columnAutoWidth="true" and columnRenderingMode="virtual".
  • Filter Builder incorrectly parses a filter containing the unary "!" operation.
  • A column's width field with the "auto" value works differently with the legacyRendering field enabled.
  • A new filter value is not applied when the calculateFilterExpression event is handled.
  • A validation message is displayed at an incorrect position after scrolling if the virtual mode is enabled.
  • A validation summary duplicates in Popup editing mode when the showValidationSummary option is enabled.
  • A wrong error message layout when the grid has a band column and a filter row.
  • An extra border appears in a column header in FF, IE and Edge.
  • Cell Edit Mode - The Remove event fires every time editing is started if a service returns the 400 error after a row is removed.
  • Incorrect editor is focused when banded columns and the form editing mode are used.
  • It is impossible to delete a band column at runtime.
  • 'The "fieldName" field is not found in the fields array' error occurs on an attempt to display a header filter if allowFiltering is false and the Filter Panel is visible.
  • The expand button is always aligned in the middle of a cell.
  • The width column option does not have any effect when it is set to 0.
  • Toolbar truncates validation messages.
  • Unexpected focus behavior in batch editing mode.
  • Unexpected search results when the search string contains numbers.
  • Virtual rendering mode operates slowly if selection, Filter Row, templates or boolean columns are defined.
  • Virtual rowRenderingMode works slowly on scrolling if the grid is grouped and contains multiple banded columns.
  • DataGrid always invokes CustomStore.load if paging is wrapped in bindingOptions.
  • DataGrid does not change width during column resizing in version 17.2.5 or higher.
  • DataGrid does not show data rows when the columnAutoWidth option is enabled on iOS.
  • DataGrid doesn't change pages with PageUp/PageDown in v.18.1.
  • DataGrid resizes columns after sorting.
  • DataGrid/TreeList with fixed columns - A fixed column is shown twice on dragging on iOS devices.
  • Batch Editing - The "Cannot read property 'pageIndex' of undefined" error occurs on an attempt to insert a row if a composite key is used.
  • Multiple selection works incorrectly when the shift key is pressed.
  • The "Select all" checkbox has a wrong value in deferred selection mode.
  • Validation error message is hidden behind a grouped row when there are fixed columns.

DevExtreme Data Visualization

  • Chart - Bubbles are incorrectly drawn with negative values.
  • Chart - IE 11 crashes on an attempt to print the widget via the "Print Picture" context menu item.
  • Chart - Scale Breaks on Bar Chart trigger the "Cannot read property 'toFixed' of null" error.
  • PieChart - The onLegendClick function contains an empty array of points.

DevExtreme Demos

  • DataGrid - A selected record is not removed in the "Cell Editing" demo.
  • Demos (Angular) - Item selection does not work in a grouped lookup because the ArrayStore.key option is invalid.
  • Form editors cannot be focused in the Material theme if rtlEnabled is true.
  • TreeView - Toggle item visibility icons are not properly aligned to item icons in the Material theme.

DevExtreme Pivot Grid

  • Drag and drop breaks the layout in Safari when rowHeaderLayout is "tree".
  • TreeView scrollbar moves up if applyChangesMode is "onDemand".
  • PivotGrid hangs when a measure node is clicked in the FieldChooser window when the applyChangesMode option is set to "onDemand".

DevExtreme Scheduler

  • Appointments are displayed on different lines if they have the same time but different dates.
  • Appointments disappear if width is less than 400 pixels and Material is used.
  • Appointments have big paddings in the Light Compact theme.
  • Appointments have incorrect time offset in the Appointment tooltip popup window in the 'month' view if timeZone is defined.
  • Group cells have incorrect height in the timeline day view in IE11.
  • Resources are misaligned in timeline views.
  • Scrolling doesn't work in IE and Edge with the Surface device.
  • The Week view is not rendered correctly in a container with a small width.
  • Scheduler doesn't display appointments on the Day view if settings are intialized with a delay and startDayHour is specified.
  • Scheduler throws the "Cannot read property 'index' of undefined" error if seconds are specified for an appointment.
  • Cells have a different height in "resources" and "table" parts.

DevExtreme Tree List

  • TreeList - Scroll position jumps up.
  • TreeList loses focus after expanding a node if the vertical scrollbar appears in Chrome.

DevExtreme UI Widgets

  • A menu with the enabled adaptivity flickers on resizing the browser window if jQuery.3.3.1 is used.
  • Accordion - The itemTitleClickevent event fires for the parent accordion if a child accordion's title is clicked.
  • Accordion widget applies an incorrect font color to an item template's content when the "Green Mist" theme is used.
  • DataGrid - Header filter popup is open in the top left corner in the FireFox browser.
  • DateBox - A click on the Today button does not select the today's date when the max field is set to the today's date.
  • DropDownBox - An editor value cannot be updated after the null value is set.
  • DxDateBox - The Date control opens the keybord on clicking the date picker on iPhone.
  • DxPopup renders content twice after the contentTemplate option is changed.
  • Filtered TagBox selects all elements after selecting items one by one in certain cases.
  • Form shouldn't reset the "isValid" option on updating "formData" with a value that contains null.
  • It's impossible to select an item using the "space" key in TagBox and SelectBox.
  • List Documentation - The event parameter is missing in the onItemClick reference.
  • Popup displays cropped title when the window is shown for the first time in an AngularJS app.
  • Popup unexpectedly loses focus on changing it by the "Tab" key.
  • RadioGroup is not focused properly using the Tab key.
  • TagBox placed inside the Box widget changes its position when new items are selected.
  • TagBox throws the "Cannot read property 'text' of undefined" error when the maxDisplayedTags and readOnly options are specified.
  • The popup does not take into account the scrolling position of the window when the position option is specified.
  • The Popup doesn't hide on an outside click if the click's target isn't nested in the document's body.

DevExtreme, Angular

DevExtreme Core

  • dxTabs - The noDataText property is not working in Angular.
  • TileView - The loading Indicator is always visible if the 'devextreme/integration/jquery' import is added.

DevExtreme Data Grid

  • The "Cancel" button of the Editing form should be clicked twice when a row template is used.
  • The Column Header popup incorrectly sorts items if the paging is applied and a group summary is set.
  • DataGrid expands/collapses all groups when grouped column values represent objects.

DevExtreme Data Visualization

  • Chart - Some bars are hidden when breaks are used.
  • CircularGauge - A scale label is cut.
  • RangeSelector - The disabled property cannot be set in Angular.

DevExtreme Scheduler

  • Scheduler - Appointment ignores the endDate if it is a first day of the month.

DevExtreme UI Widgets

  • List - The 'Cannot read property '$element' of undefined' error occurs during keyboard navigation.
  • RadioGroup - Radio buttons placed into the template are selected after clicking the parent radio button.
  • SelectBox does not properly apply a selected value when the field template is used and search is enabled.

DevExtreme Complete

JavaScript Component Suite for Responsive Web Development.

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