GoLand 2019.1

Expands tooling support with Memory, CPU, Mutex and Block profilers.
March 29, 2019
New Version


Memory, CPU, Mutex, and Block profilers

  • Using Memory profiler in GoLand - GoLand has expanded its tooling support by integrating Memory, CPU, Mutex, and Block profilers. You can start profiling your application right from the IDE, and then review the analysis results in a dedicated tool window (View | Tool Windows | Profiler).

Smart Step Into

  • Smart Step Into in action - Debugging a chain of calls and nested method calls is easier with the new debugger action, Smart Step Into. It lets you step into arbitrary calls in an expression, automatically stepping over the methods that you are not interested in.

New refactorings

  • Extract Interface - The Extract Interface refactoring helps you quickly create a new interface based on the selected type. To invoke it, call up Refactor This, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T on Windows/Linux or ^T on macOS and choose Extract Interface in the pop-up menu.
  • More capable Rename - The Rename refactoring also helps rename methods declared in interfaces. When renaming such methods, GoLand will offer to rename their implementations as well.

Nilness Analyzer

  • The brand new Nilness Analyzer is a set of code inspections designed to instantly detect whether variables might have nil or not nil values in a variety of cases, and alerts you about potential errors and problems.

Debugger improvements

  • Goroutines instead of threads - The debugger output now displays goroutines instead of threads. Switch between them, quickly navigate to standard Go libraries, and get more information about how your code is being executed.
  • View int as binary, decimal, or hex - You can now choose whether to display int variables in the debugger views as binary, decimal, or hex. Right-click a variable and select the appropriate or preferred option under View as.
  • Debugging with Run to Cursor as mouse gesture
  • Run to Cursor as mouse gestures - The Run to Cursor action is now available by clicking on a line number while debugging. Hover over a line to highlight it. Click a line number to Run to Cursor.
  • Debugging windows minidumps on macOS
  • Support for minidumps - In addition to exploring core dumps, now you can also open and analyze windows minidumps right in the IDE. Like with core dumps, it’s as easy as selecting Run | Open Core Dump.
  • Run Go configurations with sudo - Run/Debug Configurations can now be run with sudo. It allows you to debug applications which require privileged operations as a user.

Support for theme customization

  • GoLand in new Dark Purple theme - Say hello to the brand new UI themes! Dark Purple, Cyan Light, and Gray themes are now available, via plugins. Starting with 2019.1, all IntelliJ-IDEA-based IDEs get fully customizable colors of all their UI elements. You can literally change the color of anything.

Install any Go SDK right from the IDE

  • GoLand's welcome screen with the new option to download and install any required version of the Go SDK. When creating a new project in GoLand, there is now the option to download and install any required version of the SDK, including Beta and RC versions. You don’t have to leave the IDE or go surfing through the Web anymore. As soon as the selected SDK version is installed, GoLand will notify you in the Event Log window.

Go Modules updates

  • Vendoring mode - The Go Modules projects template gets a new Vendoring mode checkbox, which lets you use libraries from the vendor folder without any external dependencies or connection to the Internet. The same checkbox is also available via settings in Preferences | Go | Go Modules (vgo).
  • Completion for non-imported modules - GoLand provides code completion suggestions for all modules in the modules cache as you type. This means that, even if a module has never been imported and used in your project, GoLand is still aware of it.

New Intention Actions

  • Set of declaration intention actions - Added a set of intention actions to help you reformat declarations the way you want: add/remove parentheses to/from a declaration, merge a declaration up, split a declaration into two groups, by comma, and more.
  • Export intention action - A new Export intention action lets you export a private function, type, or field without switching between packages. In addition, GoLand now resolves references to unexported symbols, but it will still notify you that it’s an error.

Handy general changes

  • Sublime Text keymap - The new pre-configured Sublime Text keymap is available at Preferences | Settings | Keymap. Note you can also use the pre-configured VS Code keymap, available via this plugin.
  • Recent Locations popup - The Recent Locations popup (Cmd-Shift-E /Ctrl+Shift+E) is a new way to navigate around the project. It shows a list of recently visited/changed code locations as code snippets with a couple of lines before and after the location. To filter the results, start typing and jump matching piece of code.
  • Project templates for web development - Project templates for web development, such as React App, React Native, HTML5 Boilerplate, and Foundation, are available from the Welcome screen.
  • Export 'Code Style' settings to JSON - Now it is possible to export Code Style settings to JSON. This is in addition to the already available option of exporting to XML, available under Preferences /Settings | Editor | Code Style.

Version control improvements

  • 'Uncheck all' checkbox for Partial Git - The new Uncheck all checkbox for Partial Git commits (git add -p) lets you uncheck all the code chunks at once, and lets you choose the ones you want to commit, too.
  • 'Fixup' and 'Squash Into' actions - The Log tab in VCS gets Fixup and Squash Into actions to create commits with the correct fixup! and squash! messages. Also, you can now use the context menu on the Log tab to cherry-pick selected files from the commit.
  • New checkbox for incoming and outgoing commits in settings
  • Indication of incoming & outgoing commits - If you go to Preferences/Settings | Version Control | Git and select Mark Branches that have incoming/outgoing commits in the Branches popup, the IDE will indicate if the incoming and outgoing commits are available for individual branches.
  • Author initials in annotations - In addition, the IDE gives you a choice to display the initials of authors instead or their full names in VCS annotations.

Even more changes

  • Multiple defaults in switch code inspection warns you about redundant default cases in a switch statement and lets you quickly navigate to the duplicated default.
  • The Duplicate names code inspection now notifies you if dot import introduces a duplicate.
  • In the Project view, the files and folders that are ignored now use olive-green to help you distinguish them from other files. You can modify the color of these in Preferences/Settings | Version Control | File Status Color.
  • Settings of JetBrains-made plugins are searchable in the Preferences/Settings dialog.
  •  Copy & paste text to the Blank Diff window by dragging a file to it. Alternatively, you can do the same through file navigation.

Web development

  • Destructuring in JavaScript and TypeScript - Destructuring lets you unpack values from arrays and objects into variables using a very concise syntax. GoLand 2019.1 delivers a new set of refactorings, intention actions, and quick-fixes to help you start easily destructuring objects and arrays in your code.
  • Convert Promise to async/await - The new Convert to async function intention action automatically changes a function that returns a promise with .then() and .catch() calls to an async function that uses the async/await syntax. This is available in TypeScript, JavaScript, and Flow files. Simply press Alt+Enter on the name of the function you want to convert.
  • Highlighting for failed line in test - GoLand lets you quickly determine where the problem with the failed test has occurred. IDE highlights related code in the editor, and on hover, you’ll see the error message from the test runner. This works with Jest, Karma, Mocha, and Protractor.
  • Updated docs for CSS - The documentation (F1) for CSS properties, HTML tags, and attributes shows actual descriptions and information about the browser support from MDN. Also, now you can use a new compatibility inspection via Browser compatibility in Preferences/Settings | Editor | Inspections - CSS. Simply select the minimum browser version you want to target.

Databases Updates

  • Greenplum, Vertica, and Apache Hive databases are supported.
  • The Remember password feature now has two options for storing passwords: Forever and For session.
  • Completely reworked the connection dialog.
  • New keep-alive and auto-disconnect options.
  • The filter in the data editor suggests the clipboard.
Extract Interface refactoring


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