FusionCharts Suite XT v3.13.5

Multi-level pie chart 'ShowLabel' and 'ShowValue' attributes are now supported at category level.
June 4, 2019
New Version


  • In a multi-level pie chart, 'showLabel' and 'showValue' attributes are now supported at the 'category'level.
  • The file format to export a chart in Excel is now changed from '.xls' to '.xlsx'.


  • In a multi-series chart, if a series is hidden at the time of rendering and the attribute 'transposeAxis'is set as '1', the y-axis was not scaling properly. This issue is now fixed.
  • On exporting charts as PDF from a page which has multiple charts, the exported PDF was not opening properly in other applications, e.g.,- Acrobat Reader. This issue is now fixed.
  • In a multi-series chart, if a series is hidden at the time of rendering by setting the 'visible' attribute to '0', the chart was throwing a 'JS' error. This issue is now fixed.
  • 'connectNullData' is now working fine in spline and multi-series spline charts.
  • In a multi-axis line chart with more than 9 series, a 'JS' error was thrown on hovering over the legend. This issue is now fixed.
  • The horizontal bullet chart was throwing a 'JS' error and disappear when resized. This issue is now fixed.
  • In IE8, charts were not rendering when using the minified version of the jQuery plugin. This issue is now fixed.
  • Annotation image and logo are now appearing in Android Chrome.
  • In the Treemap chart, if the plot animation was turned on, the navigation bar was visible on rendering the chart. This issue is now fixed.
  • The animation was not working while rendering the chart if an image annotation was present. This issue is now fixed.
  • 'removeMarker()' API is now working fine. Previously, it was throwing a js error.
  • The 'destroy()' and 'hide()' APIs are now working as intended. Previously, they were throwing 'JS' errors.
  • In multi-series dual Y-axis combination chart, the tooltip of the line chart was not visible on hover. This issue is now fixed.
  • The text alignment in the legend was not working properly if the attribute 'hasRTLText' attribute was set to 1. This issue is now fixed.
  • In the multi-series column chart, the legend drag feature is now working as expected. Previously, if the chart was updated with the same data the legend drag was not working.
  • If there were multiple draggable charts in a page, setting the Y-axis limit manually on any chart changed the Y-axis limit of the last chart automatically. This issue is now fixed.
FusionCharts Suite XT

FusionCharts Suite XT

JavaScript (HTML5) charts and gauges that work across multiple devices and platforms.

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