DevExtreme 19.1.5

Improves Pivot Grid, Data Visualization and HTML Editor controls.
August 2, 2019
New Version


DevExtreme Core

  • DevExtreme-Based ASP.NET Controls - Introduce an option to control DateTime serialization.
  • The callback is not called when a new item is added using the Store.push method.

DevExtreme Data Grid

  • A grouped DataGrid operates slowly when the Store.push method is used.
  • ColorBox - Incorrect layout in DataGrid's editCellTemplate in the case of the Material theme.
  • Virtual scrolling with a focused row is jumping.
  • A focused row's summary text is difficult to read in the Soft Blue Compact theme.
  • A header filter popup unexpectedly closes under certain conditions.
  • CollapseAll / ExpandAll methods do not work if remote paging is applied.
  • Column caption is not rendered when the showWhenGrouped option is enabled.
  • Custom Toolbar item is not rendered after refresh.
  • Edit Form fields are reset on expanding/collapsing grouped columns.
  • editing.selectTextOnEditStart doesn't work for a lookup column with a remote data source.
  • getSelectedRowsData returns an empty array when selectedRowKeys is used and stateStoring is enabled.
  • Header filter isn't applied correctly after search.
  • If the cellTemplate field is used and a group summary is set the editor is rendered in a group row.
  • Incorrect behavior when changing settings via the option method.
  • Only rows on an active page are sorted when remote sorting is disabled and remote paging is enabled.
  • Rows may be incorrectly rendered in virtual scrolling mode when a mouse is used to drag a scrollbar.
  • The "An error has occurred" error message is shown after scrolling.
  • The "E4021 - The server response does not provide the totalCount value" message is shown even if the requireTotalCount is undefined.
  • The getSelectedRowsData method returns the unfiltered data set if the deferred selection mode is enabled.
  • The NavigateToRow method causes multiple calls of the onFocusedRowChanged event.
  • The pager's info text displays incorrectly in RTL.
  • The widget displays an unnecessary horizontal scrollbar if the columnAutoWidth and hidingPriority options are set.
  • When a cell from the last row is updated using the Tab key, the component flickers.
  • DataGrid doesn't load data after scrolling and grouping.
  • DataGrid doesn't scroll to a focused row if it's defined inside DropDownBox.
  • DataGrid doesn't vertically scroll on iPad when all grouped rows are collapsed and a left column is fixed.
  • DataGrid duplicates rows if the data source's reload method is called and the virtual scrolling is active.
  • DataGrid flickers in Angular when a new row is inserted and one of the column is sorted in the descending order.
  • DataGrid inserts a row with an empty cell if a new row is edited on iPad.
  • DataGrid loses focus on editing with the focused row enabled.
  • DataGrid scrolls back to the focused cell if Shift + mouse wheel is used for horizontal scrolling.
  • DataGrid that resides in the DropDownBox content template throws the "Cannot read property 'off' of undefined" error under certain conditions.
  • Documentation - Describe that sortByGroupSummaryInfo does not work if remote paging is enabled.
  • DropDownBox that is placed in the DataGrid cell does not display values properly when the editorType option is specified.
  • FilterBuilder throws an error when fields are duplicated.
  • Search in the Grid does not work when text is pasted using a right click.

DevExtreme Data Visualization

  • Bubble chart - Selection by API is ignored if strips are set in the onPointCLlick event handler.
  • Chart - The ignoreEmptyPoints option does not work with the bindChart method.
  • Chart throws the "Cannot read property 'valueOf' of null" error when a discrete axis has null values.
  • dxCharts - Tooltips do not follow Material Design guidelines.
  • LinearGauge - The loading indicator's behavior is inconsistent when the value is assigned initially or modified.
  • Stacked bar Chart doesn't display all series if valueAxis has date values.

DevExtreme Demos

  • The "Custom Text Editor Buttons" demo - The stylingMode option is used incorrectly.

DevExtreme Diagram

  • Different diagrams with the same data source affect each other.
  • It is not possible to change the default shape type of bound toolbox items.

DevExtreme Html Editor

  • Changes in markup don't change the widget's value if its text editor window contains just one text line.
  • The Undo button is initially enabled.

DevExtreme Pivot Grid

  • Grouped fields are displayed at the end of the list in the Field Chooser.
  • The fields set is cleared in the fields chooser after a new field is added.
  • The onContextMenuPreparing event handler is not executed for FieldChooser.
  • PivotGrid is not rendered correctly inside a container with css-transformation.

DevExtreme Scheduler

  • The "E1035 - Editor cannot be created because of internal error" error occurs on an attempt to add a new appointment in React and Vue.
  • Appointments that last multiple days have a gap on the right side in certain cases in Chrome and Opera.
  • Dragging an appointment to another day does not work on Edge with touch in the week view.
  • scrollToTime doesn't work when the view is timelineDay or timelineWeek.
  • The "Cannot read property 'index' of undefined" error occurs when a specific timezone is set.
  • The $root context is unavailable in an appointment template.
  • The appointment "endDate" option is incorrectly set on appointment resizing.
  • The current time indicator is displayed in a wrong cell in the workWeek view if intervalCount is greater than 1.
  • The onContentReady event is not raised after the repaint method.
  • The widget resizes appointments incorrectly under certain conditions.
  • Scheduler displays the appointment collector with the "1 More" message when only one appointment is in the cell.
  • Scheduler doesn't generate the first weekly recurrent appointment in certain cases.
  • Scheduler hides an appointment tooltip if there is not enough place to display it.
  • Scheduler renders an incorrect appointment on Monday if the recurrenceException date contains "Z".
  • Scheduler shows the "Nan" text in Month view when grouping by date and resources with an empty resource list.

DevExtreme Tools

  • Devextreme-cli build-theme is not available for a specific version.

DevExtreme Tree List

  • Browser hangs on an attempt to scroll the widget with a specific datasource.
  • It is impossible to select some child items under certain conditions.
  • TreeList scrolls to top after expand/collapse actions.

DevExtreme UI Widgets

  • Alert - The alert dialog doesn't render title text in the Material theme.
  • Alert with a specific title crashes the application in the theme.
  • Autocomplete - It is not possible to navigate from one group to another by using arrow keys.
  • ContextMenu - The popup element location is incorrect if a new menu item is added in the onShowing event handler.
  • DataGrid - A page scrolls after scrolling in the header filter on MAC.
  • DataGrid - The widget incorrectly exports group summary values if the allowExporting option is set to false for any column.
  • DateBox - A calendar is not focused after a drop-down is opened if registerKeyHandler is used.
  • DateBox - Changing the date with the keyboard doesn't modify a value in the DOM.
  • DateBox - The widget displays ellipsis in its input field if the readOnly option is changed at runtime.
  • DateBox has an incorrect value when pickerType is not native.
  • Documentation - It is necessary to describe the dxhold event technical limitations.
  • DropDownBox with TreeView with enabled search has no scroll.
  • DropDownButton - The two-way data binding for the 'opened' option does not work (Angular).
  • DropDownButton doesn't allow setting the default item template options in a Razor syntax.
  • Floating Action Button - The initial position is not correct if the container doesn't have height.
  • Form - An item is validated after the min field of DateBox is changed.
  • Form - dxDateBox remains empty after value selection when a validation rule is applied.
  • Form - It is not possible to get the name property in the context of the unbound template.
  • Form does not remove excess parameters on changing formData.
  • List - The widget doesn't render the Delete button if itemDeleteMode is set to "toggle" after the first item is removed.
  • List does not select items if the selectedItems contains a record that is not in the data source.
  • Lookup doesn't display item text if data is assigned with a delay.
  • NumberBox - The pasted value is not accepted when a specific format is specified.
  • NumberBox doesn't allow typing a decimal separator on iPhone.
  • NumberBox doesn't change values correctly if valueChangeEvent is 'keyup'.
  • NumberBox incorrectly rounds numbers in certain cases.
  • Popup - Setting the closeOnOutsideClick option to true is not in effect in the WebBrowser control.
  • Popup - The nested dxScrollView widget may reset its position under certain conditions in Chrome on Android 9.
  • Popup - The widget is incorrectly rendered in the mobile Chrome browser if the Chrome URL bar is hidden.
  • Popup - Title text is cropped in the Material theme.
  • Scrollbar has different colors in IE and Chrome.
  • SelectBox - A data source doesn't call a Web API service if paging is enabled and the widget value is changed by using the Down arrow button.
  • SelectBox - A read-only widget raises the onValueChanged event when focus is lost.
  • SelectBox - The drop-down list remains open after a custom item is added if both searchEnabled and acceptCustomValue options are enabled.
  • TabPanel - The registerKeyHandler option's handler is not passed to tabs.
  • TagBox - Expand properties are not loaded after the value field is changed.
  • TagBox - The "Cannot read property 'render' of undefined" error is thrown on an attempt to destroy the widget.
  • TagBox with custom store executes the "mappedItems.filter is not a function" error.
  • TextBox loses focus when buttons are changed.
  • TextBox shows maskInvalidMessage when a required validation rule fails.
  • There is no API to dynamically update FAB/SpeedDialAction position.
  • Tooltip flickers when user clicks out of the target on android.
  • TreeView - A focused item is jumping under certain conditions.
  • TreeView - The expandAll method causes raising the contentReady event several times.

DevExtreme Complete

JavaScript Component Suite for Responsive Web Development.

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