SQL Prompt Pro 10.0.x

Adds support for Microsoft SQL Server 2019 and improves auto suggestion and auto fixes.
November 8, 2019
New Version


Updated Nov 6, 2019


  • Ranked suggestions (this is now the default).
    SQL Prompt will suggest syntax for you as you type and will now by default attempt to place the most relevant suggestions at the top, using a combination of type, how close the suggestion is to what you have typed, and what suggestions you have previously used.
  • Tab History improvements.
    You can now star your favorite or most commonly used tabs, so you can navigate to them more easily.
  • New auto-fixes.
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019 support.
  • Added several snippets created by Phil Factor in product learning articles.
    • chk - Creates an extended event session, runs the code you want to test, extracts the output and then stops the session.
    • eata - An improved version of the ata snippet, it enforces certain coding standards, such as specifying whether the column accepts NULL values, and ensuring the new column is well-documented.
    • timings - Wraps a simple timings test harness around the selected code.
    • tvc - Automatically create a table variable (or temp table) in which to store the results of (for example) executing a stored procedure, function or query.
  • Added two snippets to control script formatting: 'foff' (disable) and 'fon' (enable).


  • Open tabs in tab history now appear within the correct grouping.


  • Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 has been removed.
  • Removed built-in snippets 'j', 'neo' and 'yell'.
Code completion with statement expansion in SQL Prompt Pro.

SQL Prompt Pro

Intelligent code completion and layout for MS SQL Server.

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