Oxygen PDF Chemistry V23.0

Image maps are now fully supported in DITA-based output.
November 20, 2020
New Version


Chemistry Processor

  • Image Maps Now Fully Supported - Image maps are now fully supported in DITA-based output. The shapes that are defined in the image map are rendered in the output as clickable areas within the image and the list of links are presented below the image. Two new parameters (-show.image.map.area.numbers and -show.image.map.area.shapes) are used to instruct the publishing engine to make the numbers and shapes visible in the output.
  • Avoid Line Breaks at Hyphens - A line break at a hyphen character can cause PDF readers to join the lines but discard the hyphen character when copying and pasting content. A new extension property (-oxy-avoid-breaking-line-at-hypens) can be used to avoid this type of line break.
  • High Quality Text Rendering for Latin Scripts - Latin ligatures are now enabled by default. This means that, depending on the capabilities of your particular font, high quality text rendering is possible for Latin-based scripts.
  • Support for Advanced Font Settings (Ligatures, Stylesets) - Chemistry now supports advanced OpenType font settings, such as font-variant-ligatures (for ligatures) and font-variant-alternates (for stylesets).
  • More Fallback Fonts - Additional fallback fonts were added to help avoid having missing characters in the PDF output.
  • Support for Rounded Corners on Borders - Now you can round border corners using the border-radius CSS property. The background-color property also follows the defined border shape.
  • Support for initial and unset CSS Values - The global CSS property values initial and unset are now allowed in many of the supported CSS properties.
  • The widows and orphans CSS Properties are Applied to Lists - The widows and orphans CSS properties are now applied to the lists, as well as paragraphs (the default value is 2). This means that a list that spans consecutive pages will have either none or at least 2 text lines on each of the pages.
  • CFF Fonts Now Supported - Support was added for CFF (Compact Font Format) fonts packed in a TTC font collection.
  • Add Links to SVG Images - It is now possible to place links over parts of SVG images that point to other document sections. This is useful if, for example, you want to use the SVG graphic as a type of table of contents or image map.
  • New Parameter for Controlling the Version of the PDF - The new pdf.version transformation parameter can be used to specify the version of the produced PDF.
  • Updated the Apache Batik SVG toolkit to version 1.13.
  • Updated Apache FOP to version 2.5.
  • Updated the Apache XML Graphics Commons library to version 2.4.
  • Updated the Apache commons-io library that is bundled inside FOP to version 2.8.0.
Oxygen PDF Chemistry

Oxygen PDF Chemistry

HTML5/XML to PDF Converter - styled with CSS.

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