ExpressNavigationPack 20.2.5

Improves Editors, Bars and Layout controls.
March 1, 2021
New Version


ExpressEditors Library

  • cxDateEdit - Added an option that switches the visibility of the time part in unfocused editors, that display values whose fractional part is equal to 0.


ExpressBars Suite

  • TdxBarPopupMenu and TdxRibbonPopupMenu - A popup menu uses all CPU core time when visible if the menu is not invoked by the toolbar or Ribbon UI.
  • The TdxBarSubItem.BarSize property value is not scaled based on the current DPI.

ExpressDocking Library

  • TdxHorizContainerDockSite and TdxVertContainerDockSite containers position nested panels incorrectly if at least one of them has the AlignWithMargins property set to True.

ExpressEditors Library

  • dxTokenEdit - An in-place token editor is not invoked again if an end user closes it without changes, provided that the Properties.OnValidate event handler invoked this editor to rectify an incorrect token input.
  • dxTokenEdit - The editor with an assigned repository item activates an in-place editor for the first listed token instead of the first token whose input validation has failed if the repository item's Properties.ImmediatePost property is set to True.
  • TdxSaveFileDialog and TdxOpenFileDialog - The dialog returns an incorrect path to a file selected in one of virtual folders.
  • The "Could not parse SQL Timestamp string" exception occurs when a single filter criterion is defined in Custom Filter mode on the "Date Filters" page of a Microsoft Excel-inspired filter popup if a TSQLTimeStampField dataset field is assigned to the filtered item.

ExpressLayout Control

  • The layout control does not create layout items for controls placed into it within a form's OnCreate event handler.


  • Hamburger Menu - A group whose ShowCaption property value is False does not collapse when a user expands another group and the view's OptionsBehavior.Common.AllowMultipleGroupExpansion property value is False.
  • Hamburger Menu - An AV occurs on expanding a group that follows the currently expanded group whose ShowCaption property is set to False, provided that the OptionsBehavior.Common.AllowMultipleGroupExpansion property is set to False.

ExpressSkins Library

  • Form - Secondary forms behind the main form display their shadows over it in certain cases.
  • TdxSkinController - The OnSkinForm event occurs twice due to the changing of the SkinPaletteName, UseImageSet, UseSkins, or ShowFormShadow property values.


Add Ribbon, toolbar, layout and skinning functionality to your VCL applications.

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