Xceed Toolkit Plus for WPF V4.2

Adds support for Microsoft .NET 5.
July 21, 2021
New Version


  • Added support for Microsoft .NET 5.
  • AvalonDock:
    • The LayoutContent.IsFloating property now raises a PropertyChanged event when a LayoutAnchorable/LayoutDocument starts/ends floating. This allows you to add a binding on the IsFloating property.
    • The LayoutItem.CanClose/IsSelected/IsActive/CanTogglePin properties can now be changed dynamically.
    • Moving LayoutDocumentTabItems to reorder them no longer creates a floating window as soon as the mouse leaves the LayoutDocumentTabItem's top and bottom. Instead, a vertical buffer has now been added to create moving smoothness.
  • PropertyGrid:
    • Read-only properties using the type converter EnumDisplayNameConverter now display the converted value with the TextBlockEditor.
    • Added a new Password editor which is now available for all properties using a PasswordPropertyText attribute.
  • All UpDown controls:
    • Added new properties which are available to set the width/height of the ButtonSpinner.
    • Added new properties which are available to easily modify the content of the Up/Down arrows (for both enabled and disabled state).
  • CheckComboBox/CheckListBox:
    • Doing a "Select All" now only raises an ItemSelectionChangedEvent for the unselected items. Similarly, doing a "UnSelect All" now only raises an ItemSelectionChangedEvent for the selected items.
  • ChildWindow:
    • The default header background now uses Microsoft Windows' default header background.
  • StyleableWindow:
    • Clicking on the header icon now pops the SystemMenu at the left of the window. Clicking again now closes the SystemMenu.
  • Themes:
    • Using the DataGrid now loads data faster.
  • DataGrid:
    • Unused variables are now removed, resulting in no warnings while compiling.
  • UI Automation:
    • The PropertyGridTextBoxEditor now shows the TextBox content in the automation tool.
  • ColorPicker:
    • The popup containing many colors now has a scrollbar when the list of colors is too long.
  • DateTimePicker:
    • The Culture in the application is now set for the DateTimePicker's Calendar.
  • CalculatorUpDown, DateTimePicker and TimePicker:
    • Added new properties which are now available to customize the content of the DropDown button (whether it is enabled or not).
Xceed Toolkit Plus for WPF

Xceed Toolkit Plus for WPF

Essential WPF controls for creating Windows applications.

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