Oxygen PDF Chemistry V24.0

New CSS properties add the ability to control copyright information in PDF output.
October 19, 2021
New Version


  • Control the Security Context of the Chemistry Processing - Added the ability to control the security context of the Chemistry processing through a Java security policy file. This file can be specified using a new -security-policy command-line parameter.
  • Control Copyright Metadata - Three new CSS properties have been added to provide the ability to control the copyright information in the PDF output.
  • Custom Metadata Fields - You can now use the -oxy-pdf-meta-custom property to define custom metadata fields and it now supports multiple values.
  • Control How the PDF Reader Presents the Document - A new set of CSS properties can now be used to control how the PDF Reader (e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader) presents the PDF document. You can now specify the zoom level, whether or not the toolbar and menu are visible, which side panel should be visible by default, the page sequence presentation (one page or scrolled), and more.
  • Protect PDF Files with Security Permissions - You can now restrict the permissions for people using your PDF files by using some new command-line parameters. For example, you can use the -pdf-security-restrict-print parameter to restrict users from printing the PDF content or the -pdf-security-restrict-copy parameter to restrict users from copying the PDF content.
  • Support Added for the 'visibility' CSS Property - The visibility CSS property is now applied during the PDF transformation (previously, the property was applied in the editor, but had no effect in the transformation). You can use visibility: hidden to hide something, such as the title for a block element.
  • Border Styling Improvements - More support has been added for styling borders. You can now try various combinations of CSS rules that apply to certain aspects of borders, such as the border style (solid or dotted lines) or the transparency of the border colors.
  • Rotate Table Cells - For CSS-based PDF output, you now have the ability to rotate table cell content by using the transform CSS property.
  • Component Update:
    • Updated the Apache FOP used by the Chemistry processor to version 2.6.
Oxygen PDF Chemistry

Oxygen PDF Chemistry

HTML5/XML to PDF Converter - styled with CSS.

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