amCharts 5: Charts v5.2.9

Adds new property to set the period of inactivity before a chart becomes 'inactive' for touch gestures.
June 23, 2022
New Version


  • Added new properties on Root:
    • tapToActivate (default: false) - If enabled, requires you to tap on a chart before gesture-based functionality (zoom/pan) works.
    • tapToActivateTimeout (default: 3000) - Milliseconds of inactivity before chart becomes "inactive" for touch gestures.
  • If there is no pan or zoom functionality set on charts, it should no longer prevent scrolling of the page by touch.
  • Bullets will no longer knock off user-set maxWidth on their sprite element.
amCharts 5: Charts

amCharts 5: Charts

JavaScript charts programming library for all your data visualization needs.

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