Xceed Toolkit Plus for WPF V4.5

Improves PropertyGrid, DockingManager and ExtendedTabControl.
October 7, 2022
New Version


  • When using Microsoft Office 2007 themes, WatermarkComboBox now displays the selected item if the IsEditable property is set to true.
  • AvalonDock:
    • The DockingManager now includes four new events, called PreviewFloat, Floated, PreviewDock and Docked, which track the floating and docking process of a LayoutAnchorable or LayoutDocument.
    • Hovering over the application's taskbar icon will now show all of the DockingManager’s floating windows along with the application's main window.
    • When a Layout is floated and closed, its IsFloating property is now set to false.
    • All of the parent's InputBindings are now used by the floating windows.
    • Reloading an application that contains LayoutDocumentFloatingWindows now keeps the InputBindings active in the floating windows.
  • DockingManager:
    • Added a new property, called AllowMovingFloatingWindowWithKeyboard, which is now available to determine if a floating window control can be moved with the keyboard’s arrow keys or not.
  • ExtendedTabControl:
    • Added two new buttons, called AddButton and RemoveButton, in order to add or remove TabItems. Two new properties have also been added to get or set the buttons’ visibility.
    • New properties have been added that allow you to get or set the TabItems’ minimum or maximum width and height.
    • It is now possible to drag and drop between TabItems.
  • LayoutFloatingWindowControl, LayoutAnchorableFloatingWindowControl and LayoutDocumentFloatingWindowControl:
    • Added a new property, called ResizeBorderThickness, which can now be used to get or set the width of the border that is used to resize a floating window.
  • PropertyGrid:
    • Added a new editor, the CheckComboBoxEditor, which is now available for Enum properties that use "Flags".
    • Using the SelectedObjectsOverride property with many items now loads the PropertyItems faster and then fills up their values.
    • Using the mouse wheel over the vertical splitter that is located between the PropertyNames and PropertyValues now allows you to scroll vertically.
Xceed Toolkit Plus for WPF

Xceed Toolkit Plus for WPF

Essential WPF controls for creating Windows applications.

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