DevExpress WPF 22.2.4

Improves Diagram, Grid and Spreadsheet components.
February 1, 2023
New Version


All WPF products

  • BackstagePrintPreview - The document is not printed on an attempt to print it more than once.
  • End-User Report Designer - An exception occurs on invoking a Filter String editor if the editor contains special characters.
  • Export to DOCX - "Can't finish story here" exception occurs after updating to DevExpress.Drawing.
  • Export to HTML - Watermark is covered by report controls.
  • Query Builder - The JOIN and CreateTable functions are missing from the "Expression Editor" dialog.
  • Report Analyzer - XRE081 is reported for XRCrossTab filtered by the Data Range parameter.
  • SVG images cannot be parsed when CSS styles contain comments.
  • WPF DocumentViewer's Navigation Pane - Some of the items refer to incorrect pages when reassigning a data source.
  • XRCrossTab - Column width may be calculated incorrectly if multiple fields are placed in the columns area.
  • XRCrossTab control may cause slowdowns when a report's document is recreated.

DXBars for WPF

  • ToolBarControl flickers and fails to merge with the right and bottom edges of a window.

DXCharts for WPF

  • Certain points are not selected with the Rectangle Select tool if a series has a non-default MarkerModel.
  • Memory leak occurs on using Crosshair with dynamically refreshed data.
  • Per Monitor DPI - The Chart's tooltip is displaced when a window is moved from one monitor to another.
  • ChartControl does not render the Spline and Line series correctly when ChartControl.IsDirectXSurfaceRendering is True.

DXDiagram for WPF

  • Assigning a new data item to a new diagram item with nested shapes in the DiagramItemAdding event may cause an exception.
  • Overridden theme-dependent styles for bar items in DiagramDesignerControl's application menu aren't applied.
  • The direction of DiagramConnector's end arrow is incorrect in certain cases.

DXDocking for WPF

  • LayoutControl - Bound labels are misaligned in certain cases.
  • The TabbedPaneItem.IsControlBoxActuallyVisible method throws NullReferenceException in certain usage scenarios.

DXEditors for WPF

  • ColorChooser's arrows are misaligned in touch themes.
  • TextEdit with a numeric mask hides the on-screen keyboard after it is shown for the first time on touch devices.

DXGantt for WPF

  • GanttControl does not have a universal way to obtain invalid task connectors.

DXGrid and DXTreeList for WPF

  • ArgumentException is thrown when scrolling the master-detail GridControl with expanded rows during updates.
  • ArgumentException occurs in certain cases when a master-detail GridControl's ItemsSource is reset.
  • Format conditions do not reset their PredefinedFormatName after the Format property is changed.
  • GridControl throws TargetInvocationException during data export.
  • GridControl's data pager doesn't recalculate the page count when a new PagedAsyncSource instance is assigned.
  • InvalidCastException occurs if GridControl's ItemsSource is reset and a column is bound to a collection of objects.
  • InvalidCastException occurs in the Excel filter popup if a numeric column contains DBNull values and GridControl is bound to a Virtual Source instance.
  • The Data Pager's page count isn't correctly synchronized with a source when PagedAsyncSource is changed.
  • The Edit Summaries windows display the Maximize and Minimize buttons in their control boxes.
  • The RowEditFinished event is not invoked when GridControl loses focus.
  • TreeListView - TreeListControl/GridControl does not raise CurrentItemChanged when a focused item is removed from the ItemsSource collection.

DXLayoutControl for WPF

  • Bound labels are misaligned in certain cases.

DXMap for WPF

  • DXMap disables mouse interactions for vector map items if animations are disabled and a clusterer is used to group points.
  • Map for WPF
    • CoordPointToScreenPoint returns unexpected results when the circular scrolling mode is used.
    • It is impossible to activate the "pinch zoom" gesture without rotating in MapControl when using a touch-enabled monitor.
    • Map Editor
      • Adorners layer disappear after drawing lines and scrolling.
      • The ClearSavedActions method call does not disable the Undo button's state until the mouse pointer hovers over the button.
    • MbTilesDataProvider - Labels and some map images fail to reload after the FileUri is reset.
    • Multiple Map controls with vector tile providers may not be rendered on a system without the OpenGL library.

DXPivotGrid for WPF

  • Control with multiple row/column fields hangs if the end user expands a row, scrolls to invisible cells, selects them, and collapses the expanded row.

DXPropertyGrid for WPF

  • PopupColorEdit's color picker is not large enough to fully display color modes.
  • PropertyGridControl cannot find IList methods in a collection that implements this interface using another interface as a generic type.

DXRibbon for WPF

  • RemoveAction doesn't remove items if they are nested in other items when RibbonPage is re-named.
  • RibbonControl resets the Quick Access Toolbar's position when a different theme is applied.
  • RibbonControl's merging doesn't correctly work if items contain glyphs and the "OfficeSlim" RibbonStyle value is used.

DXRichEdit for WPF

  • Import - The DocumentSaveOptions.CurrentFormat property is not always set when a document is loaded by binding the RichEditControl.DocumentSource property.

DXSpreadsheet for WPF

  • SpreadsheetControl - A field with the non-enclosed quote includes all remaining fields in a single cell of a CSV document.

Installation (.NET)

  • Template Gallery wizard adds a reference to an incorrect version of DevExpress.Mvvm.CodeGenerators in newly created projects.

Navigation Controls for WPF

  • NavigationPane View Mode works incorrectly when AccordionControl is populated using the Items property after initialization.

Themes and Theme Designer

  • Classic themes do not reference the DevExpress.Drawing assembly in v22.2.
  • Custom themes cannot be restored using the UpdateApplicationThemeName method.

Microsoft Windows and Utility Controls for WPF

  • DXOpenFileDialog and DXSaveFileDialog (with the Multiselect option disabled) cannot open child folders.
  • DXSaveFileDialog doesn't close when its Save button is clicked.
  • Template Gallery wizard adds a reference to an incorrect version of DevExpress.Mvvm.CodeGenerators in newly created projects.
  • The spacing between the icon and the separator is different when ThemedWindow is in the normal and maximized states.
DevExpress WPF

DevExpress WPF

Add user interface and data manipulation features to your WPF applications.

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