Aspose.Cells for Python via Java V23.4

New property allows users to specify character encoding when calculating formulas such as CHAR and CODE.
April 14, 2023
New Version


  • Adds XlsbSaveOptions.LightCellsDataProvider property - Allows users to save XLSB files in 'LightCell' mode.
  • Adds Worksheet.CalculateArrayFormula(...) methods - Allows users to calculate one formula as array formula dynamically without setting it to a cell at first.
  • Adds CalculationOptions.CharacterEncoding property - Allows users to specify the encoding used for characters when calculating formulas such as CHAR and CODE.
  • Adds EquationNode class and it's derived classes - Allows users to complete the construction of an equation shape by inserting relevant nodes.
  • Adds FileFormatType.XHtml and FileFormat.OneNote enums - Represents the XHTML and Microsoft OneNote file format type.
  • Adds FontConfigs.IsFontAvailable() method - Returns whether the font is available.
  • Adds LoadOptions.IgnoreUselessShapes property - Indicates whether to ignore useless shapes in XLSX files.
  • Adds PivotArea.OnlyData and OnlyLabel properties - Represents whether only selecting data or label for pivot area.
  • Adds SaveFormat.XHtml enum - Represents saving format.
  • Adds ListObject.PutCellFormula() method - Puts formula to the cells in a table.
  • Adds VbaProject.Encoding property - Gets and sets the encoding of a VBA project in Microsoft Excel files.
  • Adds XmlSaveOptions.SheetNameAsElementName property - Indicates whether saving sheet name as element name when converting Excel to XML data.
  • Adds XmlSaveOptions.DataAsAttribute property - Indicates whether saving data as attribute of node when converting Excel to XML data.
Aspose.Cells for Python via Java

Aspose.Cells for Python via Java

Generate, read, write and manipulate spreadsheets from within Python applications.

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