Infragistics Ignite UI for Web Components 23.1

ComboBox now supports single-selection mode and quick filtering.
June 30, 2023
New Version


  • Combo Single Selection Mode - The Web Components 'ComboBox' now supports single-selection mode and quick filtering of the list of items via the main input prompt. Users can quickly type in the item they are looking for and be presented with a list of options. Upon pressing the enter key, the first highlighted match will be selected.
  • Data Grid Documentation and Samples - Updated and improved the documentation and examples for the 'igc-grid'. The new documentation provides more detailed explanations and guidance, while the updated examples show you exactly how to implement the 'igc-grid' in your projects. These improvements will save you time and help you get the most out of the 'igc-grid'.
Infragistics Ignite UI for Web Components

Infragistics Ignite UI for Web Components

Build modern Web applications using reusable HTML/JS/CSS components.

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