Nevron Vision for .NET 2023.1

Adds support for .NET Core 7.0 to the WinForms and WPF chart controls included in the suite.
September 18, 2023
New Version


  • Added support for Microsoft .NET Core 7.0 - This new version supports .NET Core 7.0 to the WinForms and WPF chart controls included in the suite.
  • New Fast Bar, Line, and Point Series - This new version of the chart control includes three new series (Bar, Line, and Point) that allow you to display extensive data sets (millions of data points) in real-time. The new series utilizes the GPU to perform most of the calculations. All fast series are available in both 2D and 3D.
Nevron Vision for .NET

Nevron Vision for .NET

Design your application with professional data visualization tools.

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