Actipro Bars for WPF 23.1.1

Released: Jun 12, 2023

Updates in 23.1.1


  • Added method which updates view model properties from 'DisplayAttribute' data after a locale change.
  • Improved internal BarMenuGallery-related layout logic.


  • Fixed an issue where changes to a Ribbon's DataContext could cause a gallery to display items with an incorrect appearance.
  • Fixed an issue where BarComboBox text was not updated if the corresponding property on the selected view model was changed.
  • Fixed an issue where BarMenuGallery may not remeasure width properly when its gallery item content was changed after it was already opened.
  • Fixed an issue where a ribbon application menu with a very wide footer and no additional content displayed might render incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where a disabled BarComboBox still allowed its drop-down button to be clicked.
  • Fixed an issue where RibbonControlGroup might not always properly display external headers for controls like BarComboBox when appropriate.