dotConnect for SQLite 6.1.134

Released: Mar 1, 2023

Updates in 6.1.134


  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 version 17.5 Preview is now supported.
  • Added Microsoft .NET 7 compatibility.
  • Added encryption support for SQLite databases including AES-128, AES-192, AES-256, Blowfish, CAST-128, RC4 and Triple DES.
  • Updated description of the password field in SQLite connection editor.

Microsoft Entity Framework support

  • Entity Framework Core 7.0.2 is now supported.
  • Entity Framework Core 6.0.13 is now supported.
  • Entity Framework Core 3.1.32 is now supported.

Entity Developer

  • Added new extended properties 'Do Not Generate Serializable Attribute' and 'Do Not Serialize' for complex types in Entity Framework Core Model.


Entity Developer

  • Fixed the bug with applying the Generate Serializable Attributes and Serialization Library settings of the Entity Framework Core template to the generated complex types.