Entity Developer V6.11.1219

Released: Apr 9, 2021

Updates in V6.11.1219


  • Added new Alt+E hotkey in Property Editor for opening Column Editor in Entity Framework Core Model, NHibernate Model and Telerik Data Access Model.


  • Fixed bug with adding tables to a model by Create Model Wizard, when the Database connection string parameter is not set (MySQL/MariaDB).
  • Fixed bug with throwing "bufferAdapter is not a VsTextDocData" when saving a model in .NET Core, .NET Standard, .NET 5, .NET 6 projects of Visual Studio 2019.

Entity Framework support

  • Fixed bug with missing .NET Framework, .NET Core 1, .NET Core 2 options for the Target Framework property in Model Settings of Entity Framework Core Model in a standalone Entity Developer.
  • Fixed bug with preserving Target Framework=.NET Framework in Model Settings of Entity Framework Core Model in a standalone Entity Developer.