OPC-UAC Compatibility


Component Type
  • .NET Class

OPC-UAC provides two interfaces:

  • .NET OpcuacInterface class: for easy integration in .NET applications starting with Visual Studio 2012.
  • Standard Win32 APIs (OpcuacInterface class wrapped and exposed through Win32 APIs): for integration in other types of applications, i.e. C/C++, developed with older versions of Visual Studio or other IDEs.
  • Includes Python demo.


Software Required: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2, VC Runtime library 14.0.
The minimum requirements for running the OPC-UAC library are those required by .NET Framework 4.6.2 system. According to the information provided by Microsoft, the minimum version of the Operating System is:

  • Client - Microsoft Windows 7 SP1.
  • Server - Windows 2008 R2 SP1 Server.