About Redgate Clone

Easily create disposable copies of databases for development and test scenarios.

Redgate Clone allows you to provision production-like data in seconds for DevOps test data management. Reduce costs and increase the quality of your testing and releases by using clones of your production database. Redgate clone supports Microsoft SQL Server, Postgres, Oracle and MySQL databases.

Benefits of Redgate Clone

  • Save up to 99% storage space.
  • Save time provisioning.
  • Standardize & simplify across teams.
  • Enable parallel work streams.
  • Improve release quality.
  • Shift testing left.

Productivity up, costs down
Increase efficiency and minimize costs with small and light compliant clones of production.
Minimize costs with copies of production-like data as small as just 100MB, no matter the size of the original database.

Increase efficiency with clones of controlled production-like data spun up in seconds, enabling parallel workstreams and eliminating the conflicts of shared environments.

Small and light clones allow you to quickly refresh testing and QA environments. Test, break, and retest with ephemeral clones of production to shorten development and testing cycles and ship software updates faster.

Better quality data for better quality releases
Increase the quality of your releases by shifting-left, bringing compliant production data into your lower environments & CI/CD pipeline.

Find issues earlier in the development cycle when they're cheaper and easier to fix by including quality, production-like data from the start (shifting-left). Shift-left testing results in better quality releases, reduces the frustrations of failed database deployments and late-stage failures, and decreases downtime.

Level-up by bringing the database into your CI/CD pipelines with easy-to-provision test data for automated dummy deployments. With Flyway Enterprise and Redgate Clone, automated tests hit real database instances with up-to-date test data.

Standardize and simplify tooling
Standardize practices across development teams no matter the RDBMS, for simple scalability and control.

Multi-RDBMS support allows for standardized processes and technology across teams, including alignment with application developers working with containers. A single solution allows for a shared understanding of tools and technology. This helps improve set up of new work, scaling teams, or rotating team members.

With whole-instance provisioning, every clone is a perfect copy, including database version, operating system, and configuration, resulting in controlled and standardized test and development data. This ensures all teams are working on the same single source of data, improving the reliability of testing, supporting compliance, and making maintenance management easier.