ShellBrowser Delphi Components v11.4.1

Released: Oct 7, 2022

Updates in v11.4.1


  • TJamShellList, TJamShellTree: In prior versions, net drives and machines found in the network were enumerated asynchronously. Elements were added one by one to the ShellTree or ShellList. For fast net drives this might have caused some unnecessary overhead and flickering, especially in the ShellTree. Instead of just assuming a net drive *might be* slow, ShellBrowser now checks and switches to synchronous enumeration if contents can be listed sufficiently quickly.


  • TJamDriveList: Updating the list with changing drives and devices has been improved. In prior versions, attaching or detaching USB devices sometimes was not reflected in the DriveList in time.
  • TJamShellList: The column selection dialog that is used to select the visible columns in the ShellList is now scaled correctly in high dpi use cases.
  • TJamShellTree: Files newly added due to a change notification now check the Filter property before they are added.
  • TJamShellTree: ZIP files are only displayed beneath the "Quick Access" node if the ShellTree is configured to show files.
  • TJamShellList: A performance issue that appeared when switching the "Viewstyle" property to "vsSmallIcons" in a large folder has been fixed.
  • Several minor issues especially in the ThreadPool have been addressed.